Sacramento - Folsom Shooting Club


Marty Childers
Wow! What a weekend of shooting, had a little something for everyone. Sat started off as a normal Sac shoot, quick switchy light winds, nice day, I over dressed and got a little warm. Sunday turned bad, rain and wind, just about as tough as it gets in Benchrest!
Thanks are in order: Kirt and Suan Gebhardt alias "The Target Crew" they got soaked and it was cold, Susan toughed it out. My hat is off to her. Kirt was shooting and running targets. Thank you.

Congrats to Greg Wilson for taking Shooter of the Year honors along with scoring and Match Director, what a tough job he had this weekend - those groups get hard to score in the rain!

Also the people behind the scenes. Bob Dorton that wasn't feeling good and shot fantastic on Sunday in a mess of conditions, plus doing much of the work to keep things running > he is tireless and appreciated.

Ron Chisick and Kieth Gratias without their help there would be no Folsom Shooting. Thanks guys

Dan Lutke will post results soon.
I believe we had 24 shooters on Sat, but not as many on Sunday!

When the weather got bad sunday did Don ask for a vote to cancel the match? Was Thornbury there?

Why don't you go back to your own whining thread and leave this one alone. Some people try to enjoy this sport!!!!!!!!! Move on and get over it!!!!!!
I was trying to enjoy this sport.I even signed up for a national level match and at its conclusion I was in first place until the vice president decided he didn't like that and had the match called without a winner or national champion.
As to moving on that is exactly what I am working on.I want our entire club to move on and leave you and the vice president to your own shameless acts.