S.E. Ohio 600 Yard Group/Score Shoot Results - Saturday, October 9, 2010


New member
Due to plans for some major dirt moving work to be done at our range during the next couple of weeks, this was our last shoot for the 2010 calendar year. However, starting in November we will be holding 22 Rimfire Rifle shoots each month until next spring when we will begin our 2011 600 yard shooting season. Please check this forum for info on the 22 Rimfire shoots.

There were 18 different shooters who participated in our October 9th 600 yard shoot. While there was some very good shooting by several folks, with a number of sub-2 inch groups being shot, Paul Whitt needs to be congratulated for what are probably the best and most consistent group results for a single day's matches we have experienced since we moved our targets to 600 yards. For the three matches, Paul's three groups of 1.619 inches, 2.216 inches, and 1.661 inches averaged 1.832 inches. He was "in the money" all three matches with 2 first places for group and a second place score finish. To top it off, Paul, who was in third place at the beginning of the day also ended up winning our "2010 6 Best Match Agg" competition. The "6 Best MAtch Agg" results are posted after Saturday's match results.

Bond , Hobie / 6.5x55 GWI / 3.759 / 41 / / 1 1
Powel , Don / 6BRX / 2.195 / 46 / 1st Score / 1 2
Sutters , Charlie / 6mm Dasher / 2.708 / 46 / 2nd Score / 1 3
Cremeans , Reece / 6x47 Lapua / 5.197 / 41 / / 1 4
Whitt , Paul / 6BRX / 1.619 / 44 / 1st Group / 2 1
Kosto , Bill / 6x47 Lapua / 4.300 / 46 / / 2 2
Evans , Roger / 6x47 Lapua / 3.516 / 45 / / 2 3
Denver , Bob / 6BR / 3.367 / 35 / / 2 4
Sigmon , James / 6x47 Lapua / 4.719 / 36 / / 3 1
Whitlock , Don / 6x47 Lapua / 2.443 / 44 / / 3 2
Ramsay , Barry / 6.5x55 GWI / 4.335 / 46 / / CTX (.092) 3 3
Queen , Levi / 6x47 Lapua / 3-ON / 3-ON / / 3 4
Ramsay , Barry / 6.5x55 GWI / 2.124 / 45 / 2nd Group / 4 1
Bond , Hobie / 6BR / 1-ON / 1-ON / / 4 2
Queen , Dean / 6x47 Lapua / 3.650 / 43 / / 4 3
Baker , Steve / 6BR / 5.436 / 30 / / 4 4
Van Dyk , Adrian / 6BR / 5.551 / 38 / / 5 1
Dunlap , Francis / 6mm Dasher / 4.586 / 44 / / 5 2
Golden , Fred / 6x47 Lapua / 4-ON / 4-ON / / 5 3
Putney , Roger / 6x47 Lapua / 3.064 / 45 / / 5 4

Cremeans , Reece / 6x47 Lapua / 1.585 / 49 / 1st Group / 1 2
Ramsay , Barry / 6.5x55 GWI / 3.171 / 45 / / CTX (.092) 1 3
Sutters , Charlie / 6mm Dasher / 1.988 / 46 / 2nd Group / 1 4
Bond , Hobie / 6BR / 0-ON / 0-ON / / 2 1
Queen , Levi / 6x47 Lapua / 12.000 / 29.000 / / 2 2
Van Dyk , Adrian / 6BR / 9.752 / 28 / / 2 3
Whitlock , Don / 6x47 Lapua / 4.171 / 44 / / 2 4
Whitt , Paul / 6BRX / 2.216 / 46 / 2nd Score / 3 1
Golden , Fred / 6x47 Lapua / 6.659 / 25.000 / / 3 2
Queen , Dean / 6x47 Lapua / 3.841 / 46 / / 3 3
Sigmon , James / 6x47 Lapua / 4-ON / 4-ON / / 3 4
Putney , Roger / 6x47 Lapua / 2.719 / 48 / 1st Score / CTX (.374) 4 1
Dunlap , Francis / 6mm Dasher / 2.712 / 39 / / 4 2
Evans , Roger / 6x47 Lapua / 5.414 / 11 / / 4 3
Denver , Bob / 6BR / 4.722 / 35 / / 4 4
Kosto , Bill / 6x47 Lapua / 2.587 / 42 / / 5 2
Bond , Hobie / 6.5x55 GWI / 7.010 / 36 / / 5 3
Powel , Don / 6BRX / 2.031 / 42 / / 5 4

Sigmon , James / 6x47 Lapua / 2-ON / 2-ON / / 1 1
Cremeans , Reece / 6x47 Lapua / 3.318 / 42 / / 1 2
Ramsay , Barry / 6.5x55 GWI / 3.684 / 38 / / 1 3
Powel , Don / 6BRX / 1.812 / 47 / 2nd Score / 1 4
Van Dyk , Adrian / 6BR / 7.510 / 39 / / 2 1
Putney , Roger / 6x47 Lapua / 3.627 / 48 / 1st Score / 2 2
Bond , Hobie / 6.5x55 GWI / 5.316 / 43 / / CTX (.030) 2 3
Ramsay , Barry / 6.5x55 GWI / 1.810 / 31 / 2nd Group / 2 4
Denver , Bob / 6BR / 3.741 / 42 / / 3 1
Whitlock , Don / 6x47 Lapua / 4.727 / 39 / / 3 2
Golden , Fred / 6x47 Lapua / 7.419 / 33 / / 3 3
Whitt , Paul / 6BRX / 1.661 / 34 / 1st Group / 3 4
Dunlap , Francis / 6mm Dasher / 3.986 / 43 / / 4 1
Kosto , Bill / 6x47 Lapua / 2.246 / 41 / / 4 2
Sutters , Charlie / 6mm Dasher / 4.291 / 31 / / 4 3
Evans , Roger / 6x47 Lapua / 4.029 / - / / 4 4

SE Ohio 600 Yard 6-Best Match Agg Results
Calendar 2010 @ 10/9/10

Overall Rankings (Tie Breaker is Group)

Group Score Overall
Shooter Rank Rank Rank

Whitt, Paul 1.976 47.00 1
Whitlock, Don 2.282 48.67 2
Brown, Nick 2.038 46.83 3
Powell, Don 2.229 46.67 4
Cremeans, Reece 2.677 47.50 5
Putney, Roger 2.699 47.50 6
Sutters, Charlie 2.438 45.83 7
Kosto, Bill 2.439 45.83 8
Sutters, Larry 2.893 46.17 9
Dunlap, Francis 3.034 44.33 10
Wooten, Todd 3.957 42.00 11

Overall Rankings (Tie Breaker is Group)

Group Score Grp & Score Overall
Shooter Rank Rank Rank Total Rank

Whitt, Paul 1 4 5 1
Whitlock, Don 4 1 5 2
Brown, Nick 2 5 7 3
Powell, Don 3 6 9 4
Cremeans, Reece 7 3 10 5
Putney, Roger 8 2 10 6
Sutters, Charlie 5 9 14 7
Kosto, Bill 6 8 14 8
Sutters, Larry 9 7 16 9
Dunlap, Francis 10 10 20 10
Wooten, Todd 11 11 22 11

Group Aggs

Average Group
Shooter Group Rank

Whitt, Paul 1.976 1
Brown, Nick 2.038 2
Powell, Don 2.229 3
Whitlock, Don 2.282 4
Sutters, Charlie 2.438 5
Kosto, Bill 2.439 6
Cremeans, Reece 2.677 7
Putney, Roger 2.699 8
Sutters, Larry 2.893 9
Dunlap, Francis 3.034 10
Wooten, Todd 3.957 11

Score Aggs

Average Score
Shooter Score Rank

Whitlock, Don 48.67 1
Putney, Roger 47.50 2
Cremeans, Reece 47.50 3
Whitt, Paul 47.00 4
Brown, Nick 46.83 5
Powell, Don 46.67 6
Sutters, Larry 46.17 7
Kosto, Bill 45.83 8
Sutters, Charlie 45.83 9
Dunlap, Francis 44.33 10
Wooten, Todd 42.00 11
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Good shooting

;)Way to go Paul. Good shooting for a new comer. Keep it up.
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