

New member
We were not shut down by the ATF. Not sure how this rumor got started but I can only imagine that it has something to do with everyone not being able to reach us by telephone.
We are about 600 orders and 4 weeks behind at the moment and are only accepting calls sporatically throughout the day.
You can reach us at if you cannot get through by phone.
We apologize for this inconvenience and are working long hours in an attempt to catch up.
If you are calling for order status, we will contact you once we get to your order. We will either email the tracking number upon shipment or will call and/or email you if we need to discuss your order with you.
Please do not contact us for order status unless your order is at least 3 weeks old.
We appreciate your patience during this time.
Amy Bruno
We were not shut down by the ATF. Not sure how this rumor got started but I can only imagine that it has something to do with everyone not being able to reach us by telephone.
We are about 600 orders and 4 weeks behind at the moment and are only accepting calls sporatically throughout the day.
You can reach us at if you cannot get through by phone.
We apologize for this inconvenience and are working long hours in an attempt to catch up.
If you are calling for order status, we will contact you once we get to your order. We will either email the tracking number upon shipment or will call and/or email you if we need to discuss your order with you.
Please do not contact us for order status unless your order is at least 3 weeks old.
We appreciate your patience during this time.
Amy Bruno

You tell them Amy. I just thought you were on a long Christmas break!!

Ain't Bommy Wommy wonderful for sending you all this business?
four distributors/manucatures.. i do biz with on a regular basis have closed thier online order pages....

4-8 month backlogg of orders

shipping depts working 24 hr using office and temp staff

mike in co