Riverbend October Score Match


Weather was cool a little wet and humid and the wind was testing. Looks like Autumn has arrived. We had only 11 shooters come for the match, which is somewhat normal, as deer season has gotten into swing here in Georgia. Some guys would rather relax out in the woods waiting for Bambie to walk by, than to suffer with out of tune rifles, unreadable conditions, and shooting 49-4x's. Go figure.

We shot 200 yards first as is our usually method and it was quite a show. After 3 targets Bill Dittman and Wayne Hunt were the only 2 shooter still "clean". Clean being that they had not dropped any points. this wouldn't have been to abnormal, however, Wayne was shooting a STOCK, out of the box Savage 6BR.
We were all rooting for him to beat us all, but alas, wind moves bullets from factory rifles just like the customs.

Here is the result for 200 yards.

1st Scott Dittman 249-7x
2nd Bill Dittman 249-6x
3rd Ray Brooks 248-5x

Production Wayne Hunt 245-2x.

So as the wind picked up we moved the targets closer and shot 100 yards. I struggled to stay ahead of my Dad and in the end actually thought I had lost, which wouldn't be the first time in a tie breaker match.

200 yards

1st place Bill Dittman 250-23x
2nd place Scott Dittman 250-22x
3rd place Jim Andress 250-16x

Production Wayne Hunt 248-6x

So the Grand Results:

1st place Scott Dittman 499-29x
2nd place Bill Dittman 499-29x
3rd place Brett Green 497-25x

production Wayne Hunt 493-8x

We have to watch out for new shooter Brett Green - first year shooting BR. He had three mystery 9's on his first target that seemed to come out of nowhere. Brett feared that his scope had gone south, then without changing anything, shot 50-5x on his next target (200 yards). Discounting the first mystery 9's target, Brett would have easily walked away with a win.

The next match at Riverbend is a NBRSA LV/HV match on November 14/15.
