RiverBend May Group match


River Bend held its monthly match this past Saturday the 9th. The weather was fantastic, about 80F, partly cloudy, light breeze; a perfect day to be out on the range.

We managed 11 shooters this month, being Mothers Day weekend many of the regulars were missing. Our production class really seems to grabbing hold as we had four "Production" class shooters, all of them holding their own with some outstanding shooting.

The match was close with lots of lead changes between Dave Rabin and Scott Dittman. Dave grabbed a slight lead at the half-way mark, Scott reached within .009 by match 8, but Dave pulled out two small groups in match 9 & 10 and captured the win. When Dave gets in the lead he usually stays there. You have to beat him, he just doesn't make errors where you can take advantage.

We started at 9:00am shooting at 200 yards first as is our custom. Wind was non-existent on the first two targets but soon began its game of switching and turning. The 200 yard leaders were:

1st place Dave Rabin .2881
2nd place Scott Dittman .2948
3rd place Bill Dittman .3589
small group was Scott Dittman .345

Production was lead by Wayne Hunt - shooting a Savage 6BR. Agg .5338
small group in production was Dan McEvoy with a .715

In the afternoon we moved the targets up to 100 yards - the winds had picked up and became increasingly switchy - running was not an option. It was a pickers wind - never allowing more than 2-3 shots off before reversing.

100 yard leaders

1st place Wes Burke .2760
2nd place Dave Rabin .2788
3rd place Jim Andress .2866
small group was Bill Dittman with a .131

Production class was lead by Wayne Hunt with a Get This .3894
I have got to get one of those 6BR Savages.
Small group for Production class was .268 also Wayne Hunt.

So the final agg winners:

1st place Dave Rabin .2853
2nd place Scott Dittman .3059
3rd place Jim Andress .3240

and Production winner was Wayne Hunt with .4616.

Next month is a score match that will be held on June 13th. If you have a production class rifle that can out-shoot Wayne - bring it.

Scott Dittman