River Bend, Georgia Score Match Results --4/11/09

Dave Rabin

New member
River Bend held its first score match of the year today. Heavy storms and tornadoes went through the area last night but 14 competitors turned out for the match. We were missing our head honchos, Bill and Scott Dittman, thus giving everyone else a chance to win for a change.

The wind made for a very challenging match, alternating between mild and heavy, and switching constantly. Patience and carefully picking one’s way through the wind were the orders of the day.

As is our custom we started at 200 yards. The wind being what it was, Xs were hard to come by and points were dropping left and right, not to mention in every other direction. As he has many times before, Bob Bradshaw showed us how it’s done.

The 200 yard results:

Bob Bradshaw 247-4X
Wes Burke 246-6X
Brett Green 246-5X

Production Class:

Nick Bauer 242-3X
Ben Foster 241-1X
Steve Black 237-3X

At 100 yards:

Dave Rabin 250-18X
Randy Haight 250-14X (tie)
Bob Bradshaw 250-14X (tie)
Doug McRae 250-13X

Production Class:

Bob Eikenberry 246-6X
Ben Foster 244-11X
Nick Bauer 242-7X

And the final standings:

Bob Bradshaw 497-18X
Wes Burke 495-22X
Brett Green 495-21X (tie)
Dave Rabin 495-21X (tie)

Production Class:

Ben Foster 485-12X
Nick Bauer 484-10X
Bob Eikenberry 473-9X

As you can see, those shooting production rifles were not far behind those shooting custom rifles.

Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to Ray Brooks who ran the match with me and to Brett Green and Bob Eikenberry, our target crew.

Dave Rabin
Looks like y'all had a great match with plenty of wind. Kills me that i missed it.

Congratulations Bob - Great shooting in some tough conditions.

Good job on Ben Foster too - looks like it was a match to the end between you and Nick.

And of course thanks to Dave, Ray, Brett and Bob for holding down the fort while I was out playing with BB guns. (Claire's Team finished Fourth over all with both Claire and Sarah qualifying for State.