Reminder: Tomball 4 Gun

Richard Pullum

New member
We will be kicking off the first leg of the Tomball 4 Gun on Feb. 22 & 23. All 100 yds. 5 shot unlmited, HV, Sporter & LV.
Come out & join us for the fun & competition.
Practice on Friday. We will be closing the range down at 3pm to set target frames.
Starting time on Saturday 9:00 am.
We will start with 5 shot unlimited & finish with HV.
Starting time on Sunday 8:00am.
We will start with Sporter & finish with LV.
Contact match director Dwayne Pullum (281) 684-9004.
Richard Pullum @
Thanks Richard
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Richard, is the range going to open Thur.

I am in desperate need of some practice. Weather has been really crappy.
Wish I would have checked back in sooner. I always loved shooting at Tomball even though it has been quite a few years since I have competed. I am hoping to get back into it if my health allows it. If you can let me know the upcoming schedule.

TGC 2014 Schedule

Wish I would have checked back in sooner. I always loved shooting at Tomball even though it has been quite a few years since I have competed. I am hoping to get back into it if my health allows it. If you can let me know the upcoming schedule.


Here ya go Brett,

Just click on thr calendar tab...

Next club VFS match will be the first Sunday in March and the next NBRSA match will be the first
weekend in April.

Come and join us. I'm sure you'll have a good time.

I would like to say Thank You to Dwayne and Richard Pullum and all their crew for bringing registered matches back to the Tomball Gun Club. This weekend of shooting the 4 by 100 format was a blast. Tomball is the Junkyard Dog of the ranges and will and does extract it's penalty from every shooter sooner or later. My knees will be sore for a week after wading thru the gravel for three days. There was a variety of conditions to overcome and some did it better than the rest of us. Tomball on a cool, still, almost foggy morning took it's toll on most of us. It is hard to understand why the groups are so big when there are so little conditions.
I managed to scratch out a yardage win and when shooting against all the talent in the Gulf Coast region, I count that as a very special accomplishment. Those guys and Lady never give anything.
Zana Carter turned in a very special performance this weekend. She was the most consistent shooter there all weekend long and took home a whole armload of trophies. Way to Go Zana!

BTW, most of the credit for what success I had this weekend goes to Ronnie Cheek's fine shooting 6mm bullets. Thank You Mr. Cheek.

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I would certainly echo Joe's comments.
Special thanks to the Pullum brothers for taking on the monumental task of being Match Directors. They did an exemplary job.
Also thanks to John Jones, Gary Walters, and all of the other Tomball Gun Club Members who assisted in calling the match and scoring. Thanks to the target crew who, for a first time outing, did a great job.
Special recognition to Zana Carter who was "ON FIRE" this weekend. Excellent shooting, Zana!!
Thanks for a good weekend of shooting.