Remaining Isabella Match Schedule Is Cancelled


I regretfully have to cancel all of the remaining Isabella matches. I now have weddings that are falling on two of the match dates and a bridal shower on another match date. My summer is fully booked with family duties.

Keep your calendars open for right now. I just spoke with Jim Millitello, and they are in talks with Dick Wright and the rest of the troupes about keeping the matches going. Will keep you posted if I hear anything.
I will confirm this after a meeting at the club tomorrow night but we are least 99% sure that we will be running matches again at Harrison this year, a tradition that we started in 1991.

I'm 81 years old and have been fighting a nasty disease for 4-1/2 years. So far the doc and I are winning but I still tire very easily. I don't know if I will be able to shoot this year or not. However, I'm still good at sitting on my butt and telling others what to do. I actually started running BR matches in 1977 in Saginaw. My intention is to get everything organized and running well and to turn everything over to others. I can still sit and score and keep the paperwork organized without getting too tired.

When Matt cancelled the ICSC matches, all of a sudden shooters in Mid-Michigan had no place to shoot... This produced a sort of panic. I'm getting lots of offers to help (very rare) just so we can have matches. The first match (100 yd. score) is scheduled for 26 May. Other matches dates will follow after tomorrow's meeting.

Dealing with the club big shots is rather interesting... I could write a book. The good news is we have the best range in the area. Since the club is very hard up for money and rather desperate for income, our chances are good of working things out tomorrow. Since I'm not known for suffering fools gladly I'm taking two (much nicer) guys with me tomorrow for back-up.

Since the pay for being a match director really sucks, since you get to deal with all sorts of complaints and small problems... "No George, I don't care if it's painted camo, you still can't shoot your $6,000.00 Borden 6PPC in Factory Rifle Class.", and, since no one ever tells you that they appreciate what you have done, the great honor of running matches is rather nebulous. Francis had that right.

However, the Harrison matches have become a tradition... since Glorya and I started them in 1991 we have had a lot of really good shooters start there... we even have a Super Shoot winner. We will do whatever we have to to keep that going.

Dick Wright
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