Registration for the NBRSA Group Nats

I was reminded the other day by our SW Regional Director that according to the NBRSA rulebook, Nationals match directors can charge a $40 registration late fee.
If you are planning to attend I suggest that you send in your registration form before Sept 6th; you can pay when you get there, thus avoiding the late fee.

Pre-registration is done for obvious reasons, such as planning, bookkeeping etc. It's one of the things that helps with encouraging ranges to hold a 6 to 12 day event, 6 days for the match and 6 days for practice.

You can get the registration form at the following:

Hope to see you there.

Registration and AZBRS Website

You can find the registration form on the AZ Benchrest Shooters Website at

Also Gary is correct. You can pay the match fees when you get to the range. For planning purposes it will greatly assist me if everyone who is attending could send in a registration form. You can mail it to the address on the form or even fill it out and email it to

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Late fee for the NBRSA Group Nationals

I would like to let everyone know that we will not be charging a late fee for registrations received after September 6. I would hate for someone to not shoot the Nationals just because they don't want to pay the late fee or are still not sure if they will be able to and the late fee be the determining factor. Additionally we will not be turning anyone away at the match that didn't pre-register.

We have several sponsors that are supporting the match and have provided stuff for the prize tables, plus more are coming. You can find all of their logos on the AZ Benchrest web page.