Rachel's Glen in September....


Club Coordinator
instead of the usual October due to the Nationals being in October.

In all probability (95-100% range) this will bring an end to benchrest at Rachel's Glen. I've been holding matches for a little over 20 years and, quite frankly, I'm about maxed out. My eyesight is giving me a little more trouble and it was more difficult to see the rings on the scoring gizmo when measuring the targets in April.

Since Steve Lee has started matches at their range the shooters will still have registered matches in Alabama and I'm sure Steve will do a first rate job.

It's been a fun 20+ years and we deeply appreciate all the shooters that have made the effort to come shoot with us. Y'all come in September for the SE Regionals 200 yard matches at Rachel's Glen.

Thanks, guys.
very sad news. really hate to hear that. thanks for all you have done for us
Please say its not so!!

I have sure enjoyed those matches over the years. A good place to shoot and very well run matches. Thanks for having them as long as you did
Thanks Mickey for all the hard work in the past. We all have really enjoyed shooting at your range.
Thanks Mickey for all the hard work in the past. We all have really enjoyed shooting at your range.
And we have enjoyed putting on the matches and our association with you great people but age is beginning to take its toll and I'm just worn out. Unless you've put on matches you can't possibly know how much work it takes to maintain a range. The work goes on year round.

We're not going to slack off on our effort to put on a first rate match this September but this will be it. My vision is getting worse and there is no cure for it. I can still see fairly well but I can tell that it's going. That's just the hand the Lord has dealt me and I've got to play it out. As Job said, "Am I to expect only good from God?" It's all part of His plan and I find no fault with His decisions.
Very sorry to hear (first, your health problems, 2nd , final match @ Rachel's Glen) I haven't been able to shoot BR for 5 years or so, but I have always enjoyed shooting @ the Glen. Everyone (BR shooters) always talks about the good time and the well run matches @ Mickeys (even in the rain storms). One thing I'd like to mention to you Mickey, of all the matches I have attended @ R. Glen, I've never heard a complaint (but a lot of bragging on) your scoring. Rachel's Glen will surely be missed. Great matches, Great people. You have been a great contributer to the Benchrest world. I want to personally thank you and all those great people that helped you put on these matches. Rachel's Glen and its hospitality will surely be missed. I just hope something good happens and I get to attend this final match.
And we have enjoyed putting on the matches and our association with you great people but age is beginning to take its toll and I'm just worn out. Unless you've put on matches you can't possibly know how much work it takes to maintain a range. The work goes on year round.

We're not going to slack off on our effort to put on a first rate match this September but this will be it. My vision is getting worse and there is no cure for it. I can still see fairly well but I can tell that it's going. That's just the hand the Lord has dealt me and I've got to play it out. As Job said, "Am I to expect only good from God?" It's all part of His plan and I find no fault with His decisions.
I will be there, not just because I love the place and the match, but also to talk you out of this temporary moment of insanity. It just can't happen. We'll have to find a way to cover for your problems. Anybody that can survive an aorta rupture and keep on ticking must not stop!!!!!!!
Be good my friend.