Rachel's Glen - David Reynolds Memorial - SE Region Championship results

Steve Lee

Active member
Here's the results from the David Reynolds Memorial at Rachel's Glen.

Also Southeast Region Championship Combined 100-200 results including Rockingham 100 and Rachel's Glen 200.

I won the Four Gun at Rachel's Glen.

In the 100-200 combined regional championship Wayne Campbell won Unlimited and Sporter Grands as well as the 100-200 Four Gun. Dwight St. Romain won Heavy Varmint Grand, and Matthew Keller won Light Varmint Grand.


  • 2011 SE Region Championship 100-200 Combined.pdf
    518.4 KB · Views: 397
  • 2011 SE Region Championship 100-200 Combined.xls
    84 KB · Views: 250
  • David Reynolds Memorial-2011 SE Region Championship 200 Yard Stage.pdf
    389.9 KB · Views: 325
  • David Reynolds Memorial-2011 SE Region Championship 200 Yard Stage.xls
    55.5 KB · Views: 276

Great shooting man. You held tight, made changes when you needed too and stayed away from those big groups. You fought hard in some tough conditions. And BTW: I'm pretty sure you are in the HoF man, as you get 2 points for a 4-gun and as you are well aware, you were the man this past weekend. ;) So I hope you accept it. haha. Great shooting to all the other winners. It didn't come easy and y'all earned it.

Matthew S Keller

BTW: I'm pretty sure you are in the HoF man, as you get 2 points for a 4-gun

Mickey Connely and Wayne checked the rules and said the 4 gun qualified, so yes...I accepted a patch and will be getting a plaque. Nice to get it done.

When you beat me by .0002 for the Light I thought about paying the bucks to have Mickey re-measure all the targets! :cool: After losing out by .0005 to Ted Manning last year I was sorely tempted!

Glad to see you and Smiley get your points as well. Good shooting!
Good shooting to all winners. Special thanks to mickey coleman for all the work he does for us to shoot at his place. He does for the love of it because it cannot be making money for him. Thanks to the target crew for excellent work. See ya'll in april - maybe i can see, walk and be more competive then. Jim casey
Great shooting Steve! And thank you, thank you, thank you Mickey for continuing to hold the match! We always enjoy seeing everyone at the matches. And we always enjoy the low country boil at Brady and Diane's house. Our granddaughter Jamie thoroughly enjoyed herself meeting some wonderful people. Looking forward to the next match!!

Charlie and Cheryl
Thanks Mickey!

I would like to echo the thanks of the others to Mickey for putting on another great match. All of us shooters are extremely fortunate to have an individual that essentially donates his time, property and money so that we enjoy can the sport of benchrest. If more ranges around the country had members that selfless maybe we would not be seeing the number of matches decline.

Thanks as usual to Brady and Diana for hosting the low-country boil, excellent as usual and especially
enjoyed the addition of the theme music this year.;) The target crew was great as usual and also thanks to the Hoods for providing such fine foods especially the spicy(hot!!) meatballs.

It should also be noticed that Wayne Campbell tried out a new rifle that fires by mental telethapy, we will have to watch that one and maybe get a ruling.

Finally congradulatons to Steve for the 4gun win and Hall of Fame points, Smiley and Matthew for their Hall of Fame wins, and Allan Arnette for his win.

In addition everyone involved in the tribute to David should be thanked, he is definitley not forgotten.

Great shooting Steve and all the winners. A big thank you to Mickey, Brady , Diana and all the Target crew.
I believe Dwight summed it up with his post...well said!
Every match I ask myself just why I go through all the work but when I see you guys have a good time then I know. If there were not some money involved I couldn't afford to do it and, Lord know I couldn't make a living at holding matches. I'll be wrapping everything up all this week so my work is still going on.

I truly am glad you guys enjoy yourselves even if I don't always show it during the matches. I'm usually going in three or four directions at once. I realized that after this match I have to build new target boards because the ones we have are just about worn out. I ordered the coroplast this morning for those.

We're fortunate to have such a competent crew with Deborah and Ted Ferrell. Were it not for them the shoots wouldn't happen.

I do want to apologize just a tad for the lunches. I thought the BBQ was a little too spicy. It's the same BBQ that Subway uses but I'll go back to the BBQ we used in the past for the next shoots. Apologies are in order for the failure of the restroom as well. I expect to resort to Porta Potties from here on out. I fear the useful life of the septic tank has ended.

There's no way a person that doesn't run a match can appreciate the effort and help given across the country by Steve Lee. When Wilbur first mentioned that Steve was working on a scoring program I resisted because I had Excel working pretty well and I'm a little resistant to changes. Bughole is magnificent and it is mind boggling at just how good a job Steve did in writing that program. Every match director in the U.S. should send Steve a Christmas card in appreciation.

Thanks, again, to all of you who made the trip to Rachel's Glen. Lord willing, we'll still be in business for the forseeable future. My son has his house for sale and I talked to a prospective suck... I mean, prospect this weekend ;). If that works out the future of Rachel's Glen looks bright, indeed.

PS: Every fall match at Rachel's Glen will be a David Reynolds Memorial
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Thanks, MIckey, Brady, and all. Congrats Steve, Allen, Dwight, Wayne, and other winners. Had a great time and appreciate all the work. Thanks again.
PS- Charlie, I sure was happy to get SOME of my money back!!!! ;-)
Congrat's to Steve!! I hope to be able to come to the spring match, and am sorry I could not be there for this one. Mickey, I am trying to send my brother to you to get a rifle built, but he is pretty slow moving so I don't know when that will be.
Congrat's to Steve!! I hope to be able to come to the spring match, and am sorry I could not be there for this one. Mickey, I am trying to send my brother to you to get a rifle built, but he is pretty slow moving so I don't know when that will be.
Lord willing I'll still be in business when he decides just what he wants. Many thanks.