proper way to cook a hamster


Gary Gruber
this is a bit off topic, but seeing as we do have members who are hunters, i thought i would run this by you.

yesterday in the UK, a guy was arrested for frying a hamster. isn't this the preferred way to prepare hamster? i know they boil a lot of meat over there, but i thought it odd that you could get arrested for frying one.

is this a health issue?
I was in Petland Saturday getting a cat brush -
hamsters are not inexpensive there !

Doing a search this was just some idiot at a party where the police were called in.

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Sadly this where the U.S. is headed, it was probably someone's pet.
A lot of cultures think of dogs as lunch on a leash but if you were caught cooking one here I would bet you would be arrested.

Very true. I used to work with a guy from Korea. He laughed at us. He said over there, it was viewed as no different than eating a chicken.
Eat my dog, and eat a bullet if you're caught. What the Koreans or anyone else does is of little concern to me. I'm not some weenie vegetarian, but the idea of eating someone's trusting pet is about as nasty as you can get short of cannibalism.

Yes I'm old, crotchety, and have little sense of humor about some things.
Eat my dog, and eat a bullet if you're caught.
I had the same thought earlier today when I read on a forum (don't remember which one) someone suggesting leaving rat poison in a place such that it would be ingested by the neighborhood cats.
I think you are supposed to kill it before you fry it...
I had the same thought earlier today when I read on a forum (don't remember which one) someone suggesting leaving rat poison in a place such that it would be ingested by the neighborhood cats.

when i was a kid (which was so long ago i'm certain the statue of limitations has expired on this) i had a neighbor who poisoned my cat. this was back in the days of clothes lines, way before dryers were invented. i put small firecrackers in all his underwear and blew them up; then i took his garden hose and slice it up neatly into one foot sections.
I'm with Larry on this one. No ones pet.

Only free range hamsters for me.

Deep fried with saute'd morel's n beaver tail with wild rice and nice Merlot:cool:. It's OOOOOOh so good...... Seriously tho I'm not into eatin rats, squirrels had them and they're tree rats so well..... food is where ya find it if yer hungry enough.......
Down in Ecuador Guinea Pigs called Cuy are a national dish.
You can also get some tasty recipes from youtube on them.

I used to say we could solve the 3rd world hunger problem by just exporting all the animals that are in the local shelters instead of putting them down.
But you know how that would go over with PETA.
When I think of PETA I actually think of the newer version People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.
Eat my dog, and eat a bullet if you're caught. What the Koreans or anyone else does is of little concern to me. I'm not some weenie vegetarian, but the idea of eating someone's trusting pet is about as nasty as you can get short of cannibalism.

Yes I'm old, crotchety, and have little sense of humor about some things.

Me too Larry !
When i'm at a match my Airedale sleeps on my bed.....puts her "kinda" closer to me.
I have to agree with Larry Elliot about killing a pet. I don't at this time own a dog for the simple reason that the dogs I have had I actually thought more of them than most of the people I know. It is just too heart rending to lose a good pet.
If it has spent a lot of time on the wheel, the meat may be a little on the tough side. Slow cooking with potatoes, carrots and onion, could make it little more tender. Add spices to your taste, and stay away from my great grand kids pets.