Prayers for Manny Garcia


Manny’s having heart problems and is currently in the hospital. Below is an update from Kristina his daughter!

Let’s send prayers his way for a speedy and full recovery!


Hi Bart, dad is somewhat stable. Three of his major arteries are blocked; hence a triple bypass surgery is needed. However, he has also developed congestive heart failure (CHF). This CHF causes a fluid buildup around his lungs and heart.

The treatment of CHF puts a tremendous amount of strain on dad’s kidneys so he is at risk of renal disease and kidney failure. The heart surgeons decided they cannot do the triple bypass surgery in dad’s current condition. They need his renal function to improve and his heart to become a little stronger.

What makes dad’s situation so difficult is that the treatment/meds to improve his kidney situation negatively affect the treatment for CHF and blocked arteries. The “balancing act” for these treatments is fragile and very scary.

I am staying with him at the hospital throughout the nights. Nights are pretty difficult for him. The CHF makes it so hard for him to breath so he is on oxygen 24/7. He is not able to rest comfortably so he is always so exhausted. Even talking for more than 5-10 minutes really takes a toll on him so that is frustrating him as he is unable to have any real conversation with us or the doctors.

He does a good job of keeping a smile on his face for us but the strain he’s going through can’t be overshadowed by a smile.

Please keep him in your prayers. I will continue to update you and would appreciate if you can update the rest of “the crew.”

Thank you for checking in with me. Hugs, Kristina

Manny is a great man, we have a lot of real good men in our game, but Manny is a great man. I'll be praying for him.
Manny has been there for so many of us over the years. At Manny’s sick call at matches he’s literally treated thousands of shooters( of course no charge). Manny is the kindest, gentlest and most caring human being I’ve ever known. Like Charlie said, there are a lot of good men in Benchrest, but Manny is a great man!

We are all praying for you! I know we will see you and the kids at the Super Shoot!

Love ya
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Kristina, your dad and Clarence Hammond were the first two guys my wife, Dee, and I met on our first trip to Dublin -- and it was a joy to meet both of them. We also enjoyed visiting with your dad, and meeting you, at some subsequent Super Shoots.

Your dad is a GOOD man! Dee and I will be praying for his full and speedy recovery.
Prayers for Manny

Prayers go out and up for Manny.
Manny is one of the first shooters I met in 2009.
He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.
I hope Manny and his family have a complete recovery from this sickness.

God bless ; Grimey
Scotty Grimes
May God bless and heal you my friend as you have healed thousands.

Kristina, let him know we are praying for him and you, Danny and Dr. Pancho.

I, like so many in the BR community, have been treated by Dr. Manny. He is very compassionate and skilled doctor and is always willing to help fellow shooters. My prayers are with him during this time. Get well soon Dr. Manny. James Mock
Wow, very sorry to hear of Manny's condition. He is The Benchrest Doc. I saw him help many shooters at the range. A very giving man. Prayers that he will pull through.

Update on Manny’s condition from Kristina!

My dad’s spirits were certainly lifted as I read him all of the well-wishing posts from “his brothers.” Thanks to all!!

He got through the night pretty well and seems to feel ok this morning. He even shared one of his hunting stories with the morning nurse ?

For some of the benchrest community that were unaware about dad’s health condition, you can let them know that dad had a mini-stroke last September (2018) but seemed to recover well.

The information I shared for your most recent post was in regards to the heart attack he had last Saturday, 12/21/19.

Please let the folks know in case they were trying to call or message him that dad does not have his mobile phone and due to exhaustion and feeling out-of-breath, having phone conversations is quite taxing for him. I thought it was important to share this so people wouldn’t think they were being ignored in any way if they were kindly trying to reach out. :)

You're in my prayers Brother. When you get through this ordeal we'll share stories and battle scars.

Kick some ass !!

Pat Hurley
A credit to the sport and his profession.

As a benchrest shooter and a physician I can state that Manny is an upstanding example of both. He is a role model to me both in my sport and profession. I admire his expertise and generosity. I wish him a rapid recovery. The world needs more like him. Tim
38 years ago my daughter bailed out of a booster seat at Shoney's in Boone, NC. She had a slight concussion. Manny kept an eye on her the entire weekend. He's been a dear friend ever since. Get well my friend. We have one more dinner date at Kelbly's this spring.