Portland 600 Results

I shot at that match, but was off to the side and not shooting for score. I had all the same problems everyone else was. I was shooting a Mcmillan built M40A1 in 300 Win Mag with 185 grain Laupa Scenars at 2985fps, and even I had a heck of a time with the wind. At first, I though DANG, another barrel has burned out, but then I noticed everyone else was shooting the same "patterns" rather than "groups". I learned alot, and found the benchrest fellows much more friendly and willing to share knowledge than I expected. As a group, the benchrest fellows made a very good impression on me. Thanks.
We just got your answer.You were looking at the wrong targets.

Well, no........Carl gave the answer. I've still got a 4+ a 7+ and an 8+ which ain't no 8.8 agg......... only counting my 7+ group as a 13incher would knock me out that far.

now Carl, you're the one who really got slapped on this one! Your group is 6.678 but you got counted at 42.678 inches!! That's only THREE FEET bigger than you shot! Suck it UP man!! (3X6" = 36", now add your 6.678" group to the THIRTY SIX INCHES and you get your 42.678) :)

You've got 6 rounds in a 2.5" clot just out of the scoring rings in the upper left corner. It looks like you fought it, fought it, then just gave up on score and machine gunned your last 6 shots into a cluster.

You've got two 7's and 2 6's for a score of 26 but you got counted for 18.

Yo noone, were you on the lefterly bench or belly shooting on the platform? To say that you'se guys "had the same problems as us" doesn't do you justice! YOU were shooting off a bipod, I had a coaxial Farley that could track the wind changes while staying solid as Gibralter.......Good Lord man, if you stayed on the target backers I'm impressed!

Al, thanks for the update. With the group measurement correction it changes my agg to 18.275 divided by 3 = an average of 6.092 ..makes me feel better. Carl
Al, thanks for the update. With the group measurement correction it changes my agg to 18.275 divided by 3 = an average of 6.092 ..makes me feel better. Carl

And makes you the Heavy winner ;)

I thought I was hallucinating....... this makes me feel a lot better too!

Next time let's travel north for a ways and I'll buy you lunch on your way home since we're heading the same direction, AFTER I beat you...... :D



BTW, I'm a total beginner here but IMO a 6" agg in those conditions was PERTY STEENKING GOOD!