Pine Tree Rifle Club



A friend of mine, John DelSavio, is compiling a history of the Pine Tree Rifle Club in Johnstown, NY. As some of you may know, Pine Tree is the birthplace of organized benchrest competition in the late 1940’s. John is looking for information about the Townsend Whelan Trophy which was at Pine Tree in the 1950’s. He is wondering what happened to the Trophy which is shown in the 1955 photo below. Some of the more famous people in the photo are Clyde, Robert W., and Wally Hart, Warren Page, Harvey Donaldson, Sam Wilson, Mike and Olive Walker, Sam Clark, Jr., Bill Crowther, and many more. After clicking on the photo it can be enlarged with CTRL/+.


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    1955 group photo PTRC.jpg
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pine tree rifle club

Pine tree always had a big turn out for their matches. They ran a fantastic match.
Really nice people and Great food too. They went all out for the shooters. I wish it could be back on the schedule.
Great CLUB
Lets Bring a Register Group/Score Match back to the Home Of Benchrest.

Last I heard is they were working on some concrete benches there and nothing ever erupted as far as I know.

If there is anyway possible on trying to bring this range back and getting a scheduled register match here this would be AWSOME.

If anyone can help make this possible I and many other shooter would really Appreciate it.

I believe that trophy became the NBRSA Unlimited Grand trophy. If so it is now retired and will be displayed with all the other cups and bowls at the St. Louis range. Don

I don't know what the problems are for holding a Match.
I'm sure they could be solved by our shooters, Maretzo belongs there maybe he could give us some imput.
I would volunteer to help if they want it. They had talked about matches in the past but then for some reason , they didn't follow thru.
I don't know what the problems are for holding a Match.
I'm sure they could be solved by our shooters, Maretzo belongs there maybe he could give us some imput.
I would volunteer to help if they want it. They had talked about matches in the past but then for some reason , they didn't follow thru.

Greetings to all for the Pine Tree Rifle Club of Johnstown NY

As Dennis has stated at the start of this post we at the PTRC are in the proccess of making a proposal to the PTRC BOD that we again host IBS BR matches. The matches would be score matches. I have talk with Dr. Maretzo about this and he has reasured me that the PTRC would receive help with getting the matches started. I would like to suggest that those of you who maybe interested in seeing what the PTRC has turned into go to the PTRC web site ( and click on the box with centerfire matches 2013.
As progress is made with the proposal I or Dennis will post to keep those of interest informed about the PTRC matches.
pine tree rifle club

I'm going to click on to your web site to see what's going on.
We are hoping that eventually there will be GROUP shooting at your club.
We hope to get PTRC Board approval this November to hold registered IBS matches next year. We would like to hold two score matches including a New York State Championship. Anyone interested in attending please make a post. Your posts will be presented to the PTRC Board at the approval meeting. At this time there are no specific plans to hold group matches. As you know, group matches require moving backers which we don't have and would require a significant investment.

Dennis Newcomer
I've been shooting the non-registered matches there for the last few seasons, and have always had a great time! The bench top that Doc Maretzo shot a world record off of, is hanging on the wall right outside the front door. It's really interesting to see that, and some of the other items around the club, that show the history of the place.
I've had the pleasure of meeting some great people at the registered matches I've shot, and would love to see them at Pine Tree.

Blaine McRay
Pine tree

The Match fee are up there now. With a decent turnout your club could make some serious $$
well worth making moving backers. Many matches today for a 2 gun are allowed to charge up to $100
I'm sure Dick Maretzo knows the amounts of money to be paid out and possibly trophy expenses.
If you need some Imput just ask.
pine tree rifle club

If your match date doesn't conflict with my group matches I would attend your score shoot.