Piedmont 600 yard Match


New member
We had a fine 600 yard benchrest match yesterday at Piedmont. I think there were 41 shooters in Heavy Gun and 39 in Light gun, most we have had this year. The match went smooth and fast. The range staff at Piedmont did a great job yesterday as usual. I want to thank them.

There were several highlights; Mike Davis and Samuel Hall are still trying to decide whose heavy gun is the best. If I remember correctly, their group agg was seperated by .024, and both were way under two inches.

One shooter (who will remain un-named) missed his relay, and was leading at the time. Sometimes we can all get lost in the conversation.

There was some of the best shooting I have seen this year. After the first target of Heavy gun was finished, I had a group of 1.9xx and was in nineth place. Gives you some idea of things to come.

Yesterday, I had the honor of shooting between two very nice guys, Jeff Godfrey and Blake Daniels. We had a lot of fun chatting and comparing things we do in this game. Also, Charles Ballard and I had a nice competition going right up to the last target in Light gun. Charles took the Light Gun Agg. Mike Davis and I were talking about Charles and wondering how long it was going to take him to start his winning ways in the 600yd BR game. He is already a top shooter and record holder in F-Class.

Rich De put a "for sale" sign on his heavy gun just before the match but was going to shoot it in this match. He sold the gun and then proceeded to shoot his first group almost under an inch. Needless to say, Charles was happy with his purchase.

It was hot and we drank lot's of water and drinks, but everyone had a great time. We had several shooters from Hawks Ridge with us. Couple of shooters from Georgia and "Bird dog" showed up from middle Tennessee. Good to see him.

All said, we had a great match. Come join us.

Larry Isenhour
Tommy Williams sent out the match reports today and it looks like that .024" mentioned by Larry, above, was more like .005" ! Wow!
Rich De
I agree it was a great match and everyone seemed like they had a good time and there was a lot of good shooting going on . I bet'ya that shooter that missed his relay is a real dummy. LOL!
