Piedmont 600 yard match


New member
We had a great match yesterday at Piedmont. I think there were 37 shooters and there were some new shooters.

The weather was terrible, wind and mirage. When Tommy posts the results you will understand.

It was a long match and we all were tired at the end of it, but had a great time...I want to thank Scott and Tommy and the rest of the crew at Piedmont for putting on a well-run match. It is a thankless job that you do, but we shooters do appreciate the things you do for us.

Larry Isenhour
Yesterday was in the top three worse days I have ever experienced at Piedmont. Not only were the winds gusting high, but swithching in ALL directions. And I have never seen as much mirage (with wind) at the same time. The winnings were well spread out. No one person dominated anything. The only domination was Mike Davis built rifles. They captured every 1st place as they did last month at Piedmont. The 6mm's took all the 1st places, despite the winds, in the form of Dashers and BRX's. There were certainly no records broken this day. There only a handful of groups that broke the 2 inch mark. As Larry said, it was good to see several new shooters. Some made a very respectable 1st showing including Terry Brady's son Chris (who recently won the Hickory,NC, Egg Shoot). He was in the running in LG and HG until that nasty wind came up and ate his lunch as it did most all of us.
In all it was a fun and well run match. Many thanks goes out to the crew at Piedmont!
Samuel Hall
Amen to Larry and Sam's comments. Still its a great shoot and you meet and talk with a lot of nice people!
Rich De
600 yard match

I, along with Sam, have never seen wind & mirage that bad at the same time. It was a tough day, but yet there was some decent aggs shot considering the conditions. I had alot of good fellowship with good friends... It was good to see Dave Tooley & John Lewis back at the match & it looks like "Humble" Henry Rivers may be gearing up for the 600 yard game. He & I were having some great conversation when they called my relay to the line - we never got to finish the whole conversation, but this is exciting to see so many new shooters at this match & others such as Henry taking interest in the 600 yard long range game. If you have never been to a long range match I invite you to come to Piedmont & just walk around, look at the equipment & watch what goes on. I had a friend (Scott Green) drive up from South Carolina - he called me today & said he's going to build a gun around the long range benchrest requirements. It did him alot of good to see the equipment & the game we play when making decisions about what he wanted. If you want to have a barrell of fun, come on down & shoot with us. I'm sure you will love it.

Mike Davis
Thanks for your help Sat. Mike. I enjoyed it very much, so much infact that it has cost me about $3-3500:D. Thanks to everyone that I met, a very nice and helpful bunch of shooters. And if anyone wants to help donate towards me recooping some of my funds for that very expensive trip, I have two rifle in the classifieds for sale;).

By the way, not sure why they are complaining about the wind. It was blowing from all directions, which should just cancel it out:D