Panda bolts

One experience a few years ago.
Paulette Truax was shooting next to me one year at Holton and she was either leading or very near the top. About the second relay on Saturday afternoon she said,” shxx I’ve been shooting all day with the wrong bolt”. “What do you think I should do?” I told her not to change a thing. She did just fine with the wrong bolt all day. I’d say they are nearly always interchangeable.
It is pretty rare that a bolt from one Panda action will not work in another Panda action. Give it a try and if bolt closes in other action, you should be fine. Only time bolt swap does not work is when you have 308 bolt face and try using it on PPC bolt face barrel. The bolt nose will touch barrel and that is not good for accurate rifle.

It is pretty rare that a bolt from one Panda action will not work in another Panda action. Give it a try and if bolt closes in other action, you should be fine. Only time bolt swap does not work is when you have 308 bolt face and try using it on PPC bolt face barrel. The bolt nose will touch barrel and that is not good for accurate rifle.


I can still call them up, give them the serial number of
my Panda action, and have a new barrel in a few weeks.

I screw the barrel on and everything is perfect.
Right down to the barrel marking lining up correctly.