Oscoda 100-200 Score Match Sat June 6th



Matches start at 9 am and bring a lunch, we have no kitchen facilities. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Sorry for the late notice. I've been spending lots of time working on our new 600 yd range that just began developement. I know I've missed something so just chime in Fran. This will be a good time and the winds will keep it interesting as usual.
Also, their is a

Restaurant about 3.5 mile from the club. Called Desi's Taco lounge. When I shot up their the last time I had time to run up there to grab something like a Hamburger with cheese and a near beer. :) less than Five dollars.
Sorry Fracis, won't be there. Trying to save up for the East/West match in St. Louis this month.

Jeff Aberegg
Gates open at 7:30 and cost is $22.00 for both yardages or $12 for one yardage.