Opinions please! Future of Air Rifle Bench Rest



Looking at Scores in the Open Class it seems that these rifles and competitors can do the deed at over 20 ft lbs. In my opinion the future of this game is in the Open and Unlimited Class, though they are not primary now.

A new competitor coming to our game from Rim fire or Center fire, in his quest for extreme accuracy at an affordable cost, may not consider the artificial limits from laws in Europe or the low energy limits set in NRA air rifle silhouette and Field Target. that were set to limit damage to metal targets, to have much merit. The quest will be for the best velocity pellet combination to get the best accuracy, possibly at longer distances than 25 meters. Energy will not be the main factor though the number of competitors will. Indoor with no wind to deal with may prove that lower velocities are competitive.

Our current energy limits are artificial and not based on the goal of extreme accuracy. What say you?

Bob Zimmerman
Our current energy limits are artificial and not based on the goal of extreme accuracy. What say you?

Bob Zimmerman

If I only shot alone and did not compete I would agree with your goal of extreme accuracy and unlimited power levels. I prefer to compete and shoot with others. My goals are determined by the levels set by my competition. My favorite class is LV. It bothers me not that the guns in this class are the most difficult to shoot outdoors, it is the challenge that matters.
I think LV and HV will remain the most popular classes at most true benchrest matches. I think open class participation will grow more than its current level, but will probably not supplant HV or LV for popularity.
I think unlimited will have sporadic participation.
To compete with the best in the world one must play by there rules . We in the US tend to wint to change what ever game we play to something different . There are certainty enough USA classes for every one to shoot . The further we move from what the rest of the world is doing the less competitive we become . I have shot on and off air rifles , center rifle and archery for 40 + years . With air rifles I have shoat LV. HV, Open , Unlimited , and Springer . I enjoy shooting all types of air rifles and pistols . To see how I stack up with the best in the world I well shoot LV , and HV class .
The further we move from what the rest of the world is doing the less competitive we become . .

Wise words, I wish your rimfire brethren would take a leaf out of your book.

I beleive that Rick and DanB are on the right track. We can bring any power gun and have a class to shoot, as well as compete in any international event. Talk about having your Cake and eating it too!

Agreed with previous posters. The European laws may not mean much to American competitors, but top Americans are still going to want to compete against the best of Europe and the rest of the world who will be hindered by them. There's something deep in the human psyche that revels in besting others who speak with funny accents. :)

I am new to the game, where can I find descriptions of the various classes and competition rules, targets etc? I don't even know what HV and LV mean.... :)
LV= Light Varmint
HV= Heavy Varmint

Try usairriflebenchrest.com