Oak Hills Gun Club August Results



It was a beautiful day at Oak Hills Gun Club today. The match went well until three shooters experienced mechanical problems. K. Hawkinson’s rifle barrel was rubbing against the stock stop on the rest and it caused him to have a bad flier. W. Stamberger was doing very well until the 4th match at 100 yds when his trigger quit working. Thanks to emergency work by Jim Carstensen (JLC Precision) they got it working again before the next match. And then someone told L. Rickertsen his load was too light so he increased it and started blowing primers which increased one 200 yd group to 3.490 which was not good.

Here’s the results:
100 Yds 200 Yds Grand Agg.
1. Doc. Peterson .1916 .3352 .2634
2. Jim Carstensen .3118 .2704 .2911
3. Jerry King .2630 .3580 .3105
4. Keith Christiansen .2390 .4067 .3228
5. Charlie Campbell .2910 .4279 .3595
6. Larry Coon .2582 .4824 .3703
7. Jim Schmidt .3734 .3761 .3747
8. Jimmy Russell .4412 .5246 .4829
9. Ken Hawkinson .4446 .5929 .5188
10 Larry Rickertsen .3738 .7333 .5536
11 Wayne Stamberger 1.2652 .4142 .8397