Norm Clark Passed away

Jim Borden

New member
Norm Clark of Springville PA passed away this afternoon after a long battle with cancer. he kept his spirits up and tried to keep the spirits up wherever he went. He was an avid supporter of the South Creek Winter League shoots and started the tradition of donating all winnings to the Cancer Society before he knew he had cancer.

He was a neighbor, a friend and a dedicated shooter. He will be missed.

Jim Borden

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RIP Norm,

South Creek will never be the same.

Best regards to the Family & Friends.
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Thanks for the word, Jim. Always loved having Norm up here and, unfortunately, this summer he had to go back home before he could shoot. We have lost one of the good guys in this game.
When Norm and Charlie drove in to the lot at knew the level of competition just stepped up. Norm was always the first one to offer congrats if you did well......especially if you were shooting a 6. One of the best gentlemen in the game.
Jim, sorry to hear this. I met him several times at shoots and thoroughly enjoyed talking to him. Thanks for the info. The best to his family from the shooters in Maine! Greg
Norm was one of the good guy’s. I always enjoyed our conversations; fair and open with all. Sorry I missed him in Vermont.

My deepest condolences to all the family.
