Nobody cares anymore ! How come ?


New member
What has happened to our people and even our country ? Very few folks care about much of anything !
Any ideas?
lemmysee, without getting into a capital violation of making this political, methinks, we have been lulled into this grand place we have by a ruthless effort in destroying. Take Hillary, the non-political Hillary, she is determined to ake our guns away so only the crooked bankers and dope dealers have then.

Nuff from me!!

Sorry CCBW. Delete??
Very few folks care much about anything!

What has happened to our people and even our country ? Very few folks care about much of anything !
Any ideas?

As a society, we care only about ourselves. How much money we can make, how much we accumulate. How much 'control' we can exert over others because of what we have. "To hell with the next guy, that's his problem". Our lives are not nearly the struggle as our ancestors' lives were. Much comes 'easier'. The "nanny state" has seen to that with the "comforts of life" traded for votes. So has technology. Many will walk down the street with their total and complete attention paid to their 'smart phone', completely oblivious to world around them to the point they may be putting themselves in danger. I recently went to buy a map and was informed by the young lady behind the counter that "some people use their smart phone". We're lost without it!. With the advent of the PC, every wish or desire, problem or ill can now be satified with a simple "login". "English class" must not exist anymore as we are forced to sipher out one, long, run-on sentence. No capital letter at the beginning,, no period at the end. How many have heard of those who don't know who their neighbors are? "It's all about me!"(at any cost!).
The more things change.....

It is easy to come to the false conclusion that we are an unusual generation. The first to not worry about what our government is doing. It is my belief that people in our country have always put the wellbeing of their family and themselves ahead of things they feel they cannot do much about.

Young adults are paying more attention to raising children and getting their work done. Only older guys when they have time on their hands worry about things like this.
shortgrass wrote some truth

Thing is, we had rather type something on a forum like this than actually DO anything.

BTW - I'll ask to see if anybody knows. Did the cheaper gasoline prices help out with match attendance any at all?
Thing is, we had rather type something on a forum like this than actually DO anything.

BTW - I'll ask to see if anybody knows. Did the cheaper gasoline prices help out with match attendance any at all?

No! But it put a lot people out of work. No more oil boom out west
I'm not sure if it's directly related but I have seen a number of participants showing up with new upgraded rifles.
Every generation tends to yearn for "the good old days" and think that the current group of "kids" will never amount to anything.

I'm 69, and when I was growing up, my parents thought that my brothers and I were never going to amount to anything because we listened to that evil Rock and Roll, grew our hair long, liked fast cars, and wanted to party all night and work all day.

Truth is, their parents probably thought the same about them.

The World changes. I like all of these "new fangled gadgets", everything from computers, I-Pads, fancy phones, electronic fuel injection on cars, modern tooling, modern machines, and everything else that makes our modern World a lot easier place to live in. I don't yearn for "the good old days" that much. I try to make the most of today.
That cheaper gas price put 1700 folks out of work in my town alone with one company not to mention all the support companies such as a machine shop down the road that went under a few weeks ago. Put me out of work along with thousands across the country with the railroad. Prices havent gone down on anything that ive seen as a result of the lower transportation cost.