No whine zone


Active member
I know this isn't a democracy, but I'm voting that Wilbur designate BRcentral a "no whine zone".


I know this isn't a democracy, but I'm voting that Wilbur designate BRcentral a "no whine zone".


Replace ammo with food...not from a govt hostility perspective, but a widespread natural disaster or conflagration. Now, that would be something to whine about!! Have you prepared for that as well as or better than for the ammo shortage?
I know this isn't a democracy, but I'm voting that Wilbur designate BRcentral a "no whine zone". Rick

Better designated as a "NO whining, moaning, groaning or gnashing of teeth zone." :cool:
Replace ammo with food...not from a govt hostility perspective, but a widespread natural disaster or conflagration. Now, that would be something to whine about!! Have you prepared for that as well as or better than for the ammo shortage?

Well, you can bet your ass that if I can get up at 3:00AM and go to Walmart and buy food for 500% less than the street price, I won't be going hungry anytime soon anymore than I'm running out of shooting components. Some of you people need to get a grip.

Wilbur would be out of business if you purged this site of whiners. Best figure out a way to make do in this day and age. I don't see much changing too soon. Good luck. Stephen
Jeez Rick, noothing like putting a red hot poker in a whole lot of eyes around hear = Whaaaaaaa, whaa, wha. tear drops keep falling on my d---. I see you missed the sermon this morning. lol You are starting to sound like that damned Yankee from Michigan, I think you know who I mean:p

Dan Honert
How about some crackers with that whinnnnne? You know what I did this morning, I went to church and prayed for Obama's impeachment! I Think you all need to do the same. The Government can only store or buy so much Amo before they run out of our money. CHILLLLLL

Joe Salt
Looking back...

I think I can find at least one post/per that could easily be considered whining. Rhetorical as it is - Why the sudden flip/flop?
How about some crackers with that whinnnnne? You know what I did this morning, I went to church and prayed for Obama's impeachment! I Think you all need to do the same. The Government can only store or buy so much Amo before they run out of our money. CHILLLLLL
Joe Salt

Amen to that Joe.

How about some crackers with that whinnnnne? You know what I did this morning, I went to church and prayed for Obama's impeachment! I Think you all need to do the same. The Government can only store or buy so much Amo before they run out of our money. CHILLLLLL

Joe Salt

I kinda like it when Rick gets riled up, those of us that know Rick knows that he is pretty much mild manored, soooo CHILLLL OUT YOUR OWNSELF!!!!!!!!

Just to say, I didn't go to see the preacher this A.M. not likely that I will in the future either. As far as the wine, I like a good Merlot, a nice 20 year old sharp cheddar that crunches in your teeth when you chew it will be good.:D

Dan Honert
So I sez to the wife i sez "Honey, 30 years ago we had a cheap apartment, a cheap car, slept on a sofa bed and watched a 10-inch black and white TV, but I got to sleep every night with a hot 20-year-old blonde. "Now we have a nice house, nice car, big bed and plasma screen TV, but I'm sleeping with a 50-year-old woman. It seems to me that you are not holding up your side of things."

My wife is a very reasonable woman.

She told me to go out and find a hot 20-year-old blonde, and she would make sure that I would once again be living in a cheap apartment, driving a cheap car, sleeping on a sofa bed and watching a 10-inch black and white TV."

Sorry, it just seemed to fit :)