New Sierra 210 Matchking


Has anyone tried the new .308 210 grain Sierra bullets? Stated B.C. of .645, curious how they might compare to the Berger 210.
What's a tad bizarre is that the Sierra website ascribes the same BCs to the old 9240 as they do to the new 2235.

Surely it's wrong because the the figures they used to use were more or less consistent with those Brian Litz measured & recorded in his book. They got me on the money when I punched them into my ballistic spreadsheet right out ot 1200 yards.

The new BCs are way better & just don't fit the real world for the 9240. Surely there has to be an input error.

Could be wrong but I think there is only one 210 SMK and I've been using it for about four years. I think the 9240 designation is for 500 bullet boxes and the 2235 is for 50 bullet boxes. That could explain the identical BC listing.


To answer your question the SMK appears to have about a 13-14 ogive in contrast to the Berger which possesses the 15 of Bill Davis' design specification for VLD. That suggests the SMK has a little more drag and drift and is probably a little more forgiving for seating depth tune.
I've used them in 1K benchrest in front of a 308 Norma LG and a slightly improved 300 Win mag HG. They are uniform, accurate and have work well for me.

Are you jamming them or jumping them? I bought 10 boxes of them when they first came out and was jamming them only to hear they prefer a jump?
Lynn aka Waterboy

Sounds OK, but an I correct that the BC has been changed?

I use a spreadsheet created by a local shooter that I've used for maybe 10 years now. It works for me out as far as I want (that's 1200 yards at the moment), is consistent with live shooting results & tables such as JBM etc.

When I started using the 210s back in 2007 or early 2008, I punched a BC of .62 into the tables & it worked.

I use a BC of .56 for the 200 SMK, That works too & that hasn't been changed by Sierra, so I'm at a bit of a loss to understand what's hapeened with the 210.


Back 5 or 6 years, I accidentally set up my seater one turn too far in when using the 210 Berger VLD & it shot far better for me than when jammed - though I must admit that I'm not as critical shooting off my belly at 1200 yards as you would be shooting 1000 yard BR. Anyway, I jumped the Sierras the same way & they worked fine too.


I back them out until the land mark just goes away and then go back in 10 thou for some jam. That usually works for me but if it doesn't I try something else. I don't think it's too critical with this bullet shape. An "in a little" tune seems to last longer for me than a just touching tune


Sierra tests their bullets for bc at each of the listed velocities in their tunnel rather than modeling them. A while back they discovered an equipment setup problem that produced some understatement of bc. Re-testing and confirmation with doppler radar has produced refinements in published numbers for some bullets. The 210 is one of those.

As you know there could be a variety of factors that could account for differences between Sierra's refined 210 SMK bc number and the results of your testing including something as simple as the mounted height over bore of your scope. One thing that can't be easily measured is any difference between the initial yaw of your setup vs Sierra's. Since it works for you, I'd just use the old number.

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