New Place To Shoot Group in Michigan Follow-Up


Al Walewski
Seeing that Mark's thread has gotten some interest...

Isabella County Sportsman's Club will be holding a Benchrest Match on May 8th 2010. It will be a dual Score/Group match ran concurrently, the group match will be a 300 yard match and the score match will be a 100 yard match. After a lunch break you'll switch ranges to complete the match opposite of what you shot in the morning. Provisions will be made to aaccommodate those who wish to shoot only one agg. There will be a VFS and a Factory Class. Additional details are being worked out and will be posted closer to the match date.
Francis that date was set by the club members at Isabella who will be running the match. Steve talked to Tom about it...

My involvement will doing the computer work in the scoring shed.
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The idea of getting the ranges in Michigan together in December to set a schedule was a great idea. Does it work? I guess not. The idea was to set a schedule so that match dates don't conflict and cause 2 ranges to have matches on the same day, a conflict that would reduce the amount of shooters available to both ranges. Maybe in the future when time travel is possible we wont have to deal with this issue but for now? When setting schedules with registered organizations such as IBS and NBRSA the Directors ensure that there are no conflicting dates. Just another membership privledge of shooting organized BR.

Enclosed is the schedule for Michigan and the surrounding Bigger matches as far as I have seen, before this Isabella range came into the picture. See you in Oscoda.



  • Major Matches 2010.pdf
    17.6 KB · Views: 130
Harrison Group Shoots

There were also group shoots scheduled for Harrison on the following dates; May 15th, June 19th, July 24th and August 21st. I am pretty sure that Big Al and Bill are going to keep these on the schedule...


A meeting that no one had is pretty much guaranteed not to work. It worked fine when we used to get together at Harrison in early December and set the next year's schedule. Didn't need time travel or anything.

Group Decision

Because of the " First Come First Serve" policy at Harrison we had to submit our dates for Benchrest as quickly as possible to get any dates. At the last shoot in September of 09 I ran this by the shooters and they were all in agreement to submit the 2010 schedule with dates as close to what we had in 09 as possible and go with it.
As I recall there were shooters there from all the Michigan venues that are our regular shooters and everyone was in agreement. I believe that if we would have waited to submit dates until after the first of the year we would have lost several of our saturdays to shoot. Once your dates are set with the board at the Harrison club it is difficult to change them due to Trap, Pistol, and muzzle loader events.
That is why the scheduling was handled the way that it was for 2010.

Well due to scheduling I find out that no matter how many events are on May 8th , I won’t be there and possibly one to two others. On that day I get to see just what a Hundred Grand and 5 years have accomplished for the last born. I have also found out that someone didn’t check my Match schedule when they set there wedding date, I will be in Nebraska on August 14. Now I am sure that someone else can find a few other weekends to tie up for me ( like the WIFE, oh yes, some June dates) so you guys just keep doing the best ya can with the scheduling, we all still appreciate it.

That's The Spirit

Thanks Rick and congrats to your last born. From the voice of experience, it is a great feeling when you get the last one through the ceremony and they have that degree in hand. Then it is time for the "Dad Speech" to them about the Real World.
Also congrats to "Holton" for hosting the nationals this year.Holton has always been a great host and an excellent facility.

Yes, I will be at the IBS Nationals; I have already so to speak registered, just not sure whether I will shoot in the Hunter class yet. If they change the wedding for some reason I have informed them to bring me a video of it.

Thanks, we made our last tuition payment the first of the year, the speech has already been spoken and she has already found out how the real world works.(unfortunately) Now I hope we can afford to do a little more, we have had 9 years of this and it has been draining.

That's it...

That's the final straw...

I'm not going to attend the IBS Nats UNLESS they are registered.

Final word.
