new batch of eley match


Being a real rookie to this game (not shot my real first competion yet) I have noticed kss has a new batch of eley match in stock.
Am I that new or is most of this stuff real slow (1018-1051)?
what can I expect from this if historically it likes faster ammo?
I am shooting 50/50

Dean, it appears "Eley" has revised their marketing strategy. They now have done away with "Team" and replaced it with "Edge" ... which is still unavailable and unproven match quality ammo. The latest batch of "Match" all appears to have lot velocity speeds under 1050 FPS. Some lots as you mentioned, as low as 1018 FPS! Now, ... if a benchrest competitor wishes to shoot ammo in the more favorable 1055 - 1075 range they will have to purchase the higher priced Tenex ammo. It's all about company profit or the bottom line. To me, the new strategy will effect attendance at many benchrest and prone matches in the future. John
Between the politicians, the hoarders, and now the ammo companies - I'm feeling assaulted. My plan is to shoot up all my remaining stock of match ammo including old remaining test lots, left overs of mediocre past lots, and what's left of last year's ammo, saving some decent lots for the bigger shoots. Once all my ammo is used up, if there is no decent ammo available at reasonable prices, I won't shoot again until such time as we can once again get decent ammo to test and buy at Match prices. Maybe this Edge ammo will be good. We'll see.
Dan's supply

My thank's to Dan and Dawn Killough for letting me know Tuesday that the new Eley Edge was in. They're good folks.

Unfortunately, by the time I got online to order on was gone. I Hope the rest of y'all got some.

Wow, there sure is some slow stuff available, and I suspect it will be gone in the next day or two as well. I have a small amount of Team left thanks to the generosity of another shooter. I left centerfire for rimfire some years ago because of the cost for components, time involved in reloading; and in particular....not pissing my neighbors off. Legally, they could stop me from shooting altogether (1000 yards from nearest residence). I've barely begun to test my $5000.00 investment in a full custom rimfire; but I am seriously considering switching to an airgun.

At least I could keep my scope, mounts, and rest. Anybody else having the same notions?

>>Maybe this Edge ammo will be good. We'll see.<<

I guess it'll be awhile until I can see for myself. Those of you that got some, let me know how it's shooting.
All the $$$$ saved not having ammo available just bought some awesome speakers for the home.
Ammo? where?

Ill bet those speakers dont sound anywhere near as good as the sweet "pop" of that ELEY. Who is hoarding up all that ammo ?! I know it's business, whats next?
The latest batch of "Match" all appears to have lot velocity speeds under 1050 FPS. Some lots as you mentioned, as low as 1018 FPS! Now, ... if a benchrest competitor wishes to shoot ammo in the more favorable 1055 - 1075 range

What do you feel makes the 1055-1075 range for ammo more favorable, other than the abundance of it the past few years. Bill Calfee stated on WWA that he has some ammo(i think it was 1033) around the 1030s that was some of the best he's ever had. On the box it looked like it was from '07. I feel that the speed on the box is irrelevant, good ammo is good ammo. Thats just me though. Thanks, Matt
What do you feel makes the 1055-1075 range for ammo more favorable, other than the abundance of it the past few years. Bill Calfee stated on WWA that he has some ammo(i think it was 1033) around the 1030s that was some of the best he's ever had. On the box it looked like it was from '07. I feel that the speed on the box is irrelevant, good ammo is good ammo. Thats just me though. Thanks, Matt

Matt, Most would agree that the Eley company's Tenex product is their premiere ammo. I checked an email received from KSS as few days ago advising that a new batch of Eley ammo had arrived and would ship on 5/09. The new batch showed 4 lots of Tenex (now sold out). The lot speeds were 1070 / 1069 / 1044 / 1065 fairly close to my stated favorable range. I setup a chronograph a while back, to test some Eley Match and Team, most of the speeds printed on the box were surprisingly close, when averaging the velocity of 10 rounds per box. Mr. Calfee may very well be right, about the slower speed ammo shooting extremely well, but I will take the cautious approach and wait and see. John
sad day

Sad day for Calfee haters if the slow ammo proves to be "killer". I watch speed very closely, and buy my test lots based on that variable more than which machine produced it. There are a few who ignore speed...I believe to their detriment.

So, somebody out there got some Edge, and some very slow Match. How's that workin' out for ya'?
