

Richard Spruill

Just an FYI that Nesika is back and up to the quality they are known for.
I just aquired a new Defiance Machine action that Glen Harrison is making and i am really impressed. I guess Glen used to be Nesika. Very nice action glen is making for sure. Reminds me a lot of my BAT in the way it feels while working the bolt. Glen does a lot of work in the tactical/ hunting market and he makes all of GAP's actions but his benchrest stuff is in my opinion is tops. Lee
I noticed that "Speedy" built quiet a few BR rifles on Nesika actions...wonder why?:confused:

Eddie in Texas
Back 10+ years, Nesika was a great company to have in our very own backyard – right here in the Puget Sound. Glen Harrison and Michael Allen not only made great product but were great advocates for benchrest. They got many new shooters started in this great sport, including me. Their involvement, mentoring and personalities made every match they attended, sponsored and/or shot in an event to enjoy. For a shooter, specially a newbie, there is nothing better than your action or gunmaker right there, shooting alongside and helping with those moments of need.

It was unfortunate the whole magical moment in time was f'ed up by the purchase of Dakota, Nesika and other companies by an individual who ran them into the ground. However, none of what happened after the move away from Poulsbo should detract from the quality and good times for benchrest that Nesika was.
