Need some help with 308



Hi guys I need some help have a friend that is starting in on some 600yd shooting he just got a new savage l12 lrpv in 308 with a 12 twist 30 inch barrel why he got the 30 inch barrel im not sure but it is what it is myself i shoot some score with a 30br and some group with a 6ppc so i know very little about longer range shooting any HELP you can offer with loads bullets what to do and not to do will sure be a big help THanks
Load carefully, shoot a lot, count every shot, don't get hung up on velocity and KEEP ACCURATE NOTES!!!!

This last will do more than any "advice about loads" as far as teaching you about what works and what doesn't.

Last but not least, don't lie to yourself. Every shot is equally telling.

consider sierra match king 175's and reloader 15......this is the current military 118lr load. you can safely go hotter than they shoot as they had to back off thier original loads because of issues with gas guns...m14's
berger 175 ,,,,,168's will work..the palma guys are limitied to 155's in 308(7.62x51).

quality brass, prepped...uniform charges....

mike in co
consider sierra match king 175's and reloader 15......this is the current military 118lr load. you can safely go hotter than they shoot as they had to back off thier original loads because of issues with gas guns...m14's
berger 175 ,,,,,168's will work..the palma guys are limitied to 155's in 308(7.62x51).

quality brass, prepped...uniform charges....

mike in co

Thanks Mike i was thinking about trying 155 berger with VVn140 or VVn540
i shoot n140 with 135's in my 308 win br rifle......

i think i would ask some of the palma guys what they shoot if i was going with 155's...esp considering the rifle(bbl length)

i have been using n135 in a7.62x54r with 150/168/174' has lower pressure than 308, but more case volume.

mike in co

you can go look at is 7.52x54r..not 308 win
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Varget would be my first suggestion... it works really well for a lot of people. Given that it is just about unobtanium (again) in light of recent political events... it may not be viable.

Both I/H4895 have their adherents, as do Viht N140/N150. You don't see very many people using N135 with bullet weights suitable for long range competition... but thats not to say that nobody does or that it won't work. Just that most people looking for a powder at the faster end of the burn rate go the 4895 route, or occasionally 8208XBR. I've used RE-15 with acceptable results in the past, but outside of people looking to reconstruct M118LR sniper ammo, you don't see it used a whole lot in LR .308 match ammo.

Lapua cases are my first, second and third choice. Winchester if you're tight or if you want to run really hot loads and feel you need the extra boiler room. Plan on doing a fair bit of extra sorting/culling to get them up to the same standards. If you already plan on neck-turning and weight-sorting, then it may not be an issue for you. My experience with Winchester brass is that when properly prepped it can shoot *very* well... but getting there is more aggravation than I'm interested in. YMMV.

With the 12 twist... should be able to run anything from 155s to 190s easily. Either the Sierra 155 Palma (2156) or the Berger 155.5 BT Fullbore are excellent bullets and should shoot well over 46.5-47 gn of Varget or N150 in a Lapua case, lit by 210M primers. 168s in general... if there are any plans to shoot beyond 600yds, I'd do yourself a favor and skip these. Some work all the way to 1k, some don't, no matter how hard you drive 'em. Best to just avoid them. SMK 175s shoot pretty well, as do the Berger offerings. IIRC, that gun probably has an Obermeyer chamber in it, which is good... other than the throat is a tad short for the heavier LR bullets. As you start going up into the 185-190+ range, you may find you have to seat the bullet far enough down in the case that it starts eating away at the case capacity to the point where you don't gain much if anything over a lighter bullet going fast (like a 155.5BT @ 3000fps). That can be gotten around, to some degree, in some instances, by experimenting with other powder choices. Alliant Power Pro 2000 MR is a newer, much under-advertised, high density powder that is a bit slower than Varget, but a bit faster than say H4350. Seems to work well with the 185s from my factory Savage 12 BR barrel (same chamber), netting surprisingly high velocities with ease.


I'd second Monte's suggestions....

Skip RL-15, it isn't as temprature insensitive as they would lead you to believe.

I've had good success with Berger 175gr Long Range Match bullets.

Guess it's a good thing I have 32lbs of Varget on hand, I'm not going to get caught short on it again....