Need help removing the barrel on a Ruger No.3


Sorry, on my previous post I wrote Ruger Mark 3, this is really the Ruger rifle No.3.
Barrel is clamped on barrel vise, and use a big wrench on the flat action, hit on it with a 10 pound hammer, put heat on it, soaked in Kroil oil overnight, beat on it again, and still won't budge, what else can I try ????
It should not be that difficult. The last one I removed came loose by hitting the bottom of the action flat a couple of times with a plastic faced hammer. Did you remove the extractor first?

I have not disassemble the action completely, but the lever is open to keep the extractor away from the barrel.
Evilio is that you?

My first thought was you were squishing the threads in the action but the vise is on the barrel not the action. Anyway is that you?

Ian Robertson