Need explanation of T.Boyers reloading comment


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In "The Book of Rifle Accuracy" page124, Mr. Boyer states:


1. If you size a case more than once to get the shoulder to bump right, unscrew the neck sizing button "hold down stem" after the first sizing. If not, the necks will keep getting sized and they may end with differenct tensions."


In my 30BR I have trouble with inconsistent bump. Have tried Redding Comp shellholders, and have made various adjustments of both Redding Type "S" and Harrell dies. When Tony says: unscrew the neck sizing button hold down stem after first sizing, does he mean take the bushing push rod out? I do back the push rod up slightly and can hear the bushing rattle, on either die. Expertise on how to eliminate inconsistent bump appreciated.
I believe he means to only size the neck once, take the bushing out while making additional adjustments bumping the shoulder.
tenring,,,,I dont know what kind of resize die you have but on mine all you have to do is just what Tony said,,"remove the hold down stem",,,which is also the decaping assy..,,with it removed you dont have to remove the bushing,,it just floats up with the case neck and then back down into place when you withdraw the ctg,,,there is no need to remove the bushing and waste time or loose/drop the parts ,,,Roger
Yeah...he's talking two deals but only one is affected. He's talking about bumping the shoulder but adding the neck deal in so you'll have the exact number of sizings on all that the neck you use to set the die doesn't get sized a bunch. At least that's what I think he's sayin'.
I'm no Tony Boyer but I use one die to take out primers, one to neck size, one to bump and full length! I'm in no hurry.

Joe Salt
Yes Wilbur you are right. Sorry I did not make it clear when I wrote that. It just means unscrew the decap assembly until the sizing button floats up with the neck without sizing it again.
You are correct on your statement of the results.

Larry Costa
Expiper and Wayne said it first...I was just trying to say it differently. If I can understand, everybody can understand!
as for the shoulder:

Have you tried annealing more often? Or leaving the case in the die for a few seconds before removing it and going on to the next case? How are you measuring the base to shoulder length?
I slowed down my sizing, dwell time means a more uniform sizing, than slam banging them in and out also……. jim
In "The Book of Rifle Accuracy" page124, Mr. Boyer states:


1. If you size a case more than once to get the shoulder to bump right, unscrew the neck sizing button "hold down stem" after the first sizing. If not, the necks will keep getting sized and they may end with differenct tensions."


In my 30BR I have trouble with inconsistent bump. Have tried Redding Comp shellholders, and have made various adjustments of both Redding Type "S" and Harrell dies. When Tony says: unscrew the neck sizing button hold down stem after first sizing, does he mean take the bushing push rod out? I do back the push rod up slightly and can hear the bushing rattle, on either die. Expertise on how to eliminate inconsistent bump appreciated.

Something to be aware of when using the Redding Comp. shell-holders: make certain, that in your press, the shell-holder contacts the TOP of the RAM at the proper location - around the 'rim': NOT with the [extreme] bottom face of the holder contacting the top of the shell-holder slot/recess!:eek:

Especially with custom presses, this is a common "problem". A simple 'cure' is to grind/sand/mill enough material off the bottom (non-critical) surface of the shell-holder to make certain that it does not contact any other surface, assuring that the shell-holder 'rim' rests on the top surface of the RAM. If this is not 'corrected', the increments will prove inaccurate, as the tolerance for the distance between the two faces of the shell-holders seems be pretty generous, or the dimensions of the recesses/slots vary considerably.:p The shoulder bump increments are determined by the thickness of the rim to the shoulder/step which supports the case-head.;) Looks like a poor explanation . . . :p if need be, maybe I can draw the picture . . . :eek:RG
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Yes sir; the info about the bottom (extreme) of the shell holder is a "why didn't I think of that" moment for me. Thanks!