NCAA Rifle Championships



Hello from the NCAA Rifle Championships at Texas Christian!

Need your help with this and in spreading the word:

The NCAA will be webcasting the NCAA Rifle Championships. You can
help competitive shooting by going to the webcasting tomorrow
(Saturday) to view the video of the air rifle championships. The NCAA
will be counting the visitors to the site so the number of "hits" is
important (usually only one link per computer will be log
in from your desktop, laptop, etc). This is a first for NCAA is important that we send a message to the NCAA that there
is an interest in the competitive shooting sports! Our goal is 1,000
hits...this will make a positive statement that will benefit the
shooting sports.

What will you be able to view...a remote camera will be setup
downrange looking back at the firing line...which will pan the
shooters. There will also be a link to the results.

To find the link to the webcast and results...go to...
...if it brings you to an "intro"...skip...and continue to the gofrogs
main page. The #1 top story will be the rifle championships and you
will find the links.

Collegiate Rifle Coaches Association

Dan Jordan - President

Jon Hammond - Vice President

Morgan Hicks - Secretary/Treasurer

NCAA Men's and Women's Rifle Committee

Paul Klimitas - University of the Sciences in Philadelphia - Chair

Karen Monez - Texas Christian University

William Smith - The Citadel

Newt Engle - University of Akron

Matt Kelly -Murray State University

Dan Jordan - University of Alaska Fairbanks

Edward Etzel - West Virginia University, secretary-rules editor
This is great for the sport, but the event wasn't listed. When I searched I found a Coed Rifling, not sure if that's the event, but it was unavailable.
