NBRSA Nationals Holton......... Kudos to the gang


Club Coordinator
I want to publically thank everyone at Holton that had a hand in the organization and running of the Nationals.

As a lover of the sport and one who tries to attend a Nationals every other year due to the distance I must travel, this by far was the most enjoyable. I had the opportunity to see and visit with those shooters I have met over the years and meet some new people, especially my Canadian kin from Eastern Canada. It was great to put faces to names.

Bob and Nancy I can only imagine how much work you 2 put into making this shoot a HUGE success. I know you were not the only ones. You had plenty of help from your local club members and even from some not local. I think it ran like clock work. There were no major hiccups from what I could see. You guys should be proud of what you accomplished.

I hope to make it back some day soon. Maybe for a Eastern Regional shoot one day. The setting and the communities around Holton remind me of cottage country in the area of Western Manitoba where I was born, raised and currently live. Beautiful and laid back.

Again THANK YOU to Bob and Nancy and everyone who worked tirelessly to make the shoot a success.

I just read Nancy's article in Precision Rifleman, great job Nancy!

I f anyone wants any pictures of NBRSA 2014 Nats, they are all uploaded to Walgreens, I can send you a link and you can have them printed. If you want smaller file size I can email to you.

Bill Greene
And a big thanks to you Bill for taking all those photo's. Got any of me standing next to Gammon looking like I know what I'm talking about?

Jeff Aberegg
And a big thanks to you Bill for taking all those photo's. Got any of me standing next to Gammon looking like I know what I'm talking about?

Jeff Aberegg
Have one of you standing next Bill's dog. It looks as though the dog knows what she's talking about!
Sticks and Stones will break my Bones, but names, (cain't remember the rest of it EH!!!)
