NBRSA First Years?

R Stiner

Does anyone know for sure the first year NBRSA?

1:Group Shooting Started?
2: Varmint for score Started?
3: Hunter competition Started?

I think the NBRSA was chartered in 1951.

VFS was proposed as a probationary class in 2009, I think it was officially adopt d in 2010.

I'm not sure when HBR was first proposed, I think n the mid 1970's. It has gone through several revisions to finally end up where it is now.
Meeting minutes

I don't have time to look in there for the info but I have a link to the meeting minutes that has the info you asked for. I will, eventually, have the time and will look it up but leave a message if you do it yourself.


BTW - Mickey Coleman's wife Dorothy typed these minutes from the copies I had as director. It was no small task and she did it for peanuts. The NBRSA needs to add the following years to the file as they have them rather handy.
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Does anyone know for sure the first year NBRSA?

1:Group Shooting Started?
2: Varmint for score Started?
3: Hunter competition Started?


Your win at Webster City was the 3rd year of VFS, but it was the first true 2-Gun.

Group shooting started at the beginning of NBRSA.

Hunter Bench Rest started in the late 70's in NBRSA, but was actually started as a Postal Match much earlier. And the IBS started HBR and VH a few years earlier than NBRSA.

David Halblom

Thank you for the last seven years update.

The attachment Wilbur provided starts 1951 and ends at 2009 meeting and states that January 1 2010 starts VFS.
"by the way I read your name in the minutes several times". Thank you for your efforts in this great sport!

If my understanding is correct! here are the years!

1:NBRSA Group Shooting Started 1951 First sanctioning year.
2:NBRSA Varmint for score Started 2010.
3:NBRSA Hunter competition Started 1977. Hunter class rifle specs were written in 1966.

Thanks Wilbur for the document. I never did that much reading in history class! there's a lot of history in there on how things have become what we shoot today.

Jackie: Good memory!

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