My last bullets

Al Nyhus

"It'll never work!"
These 2,000 .117's will conclude my bullet making and Benchrest career. Going through these steps one last time reminded me of the good times in BR...miles traveled, matches won, stories told and friends that will last a lifetime. I wouldn't...and couldn't...have gotten into bullet making except for the encouragement and mentoring of Randy Robinett. He knew when to keep me out of trouble and when I was at a "teachable moment" in my bullet making learning curve. ;) Thanks for everything, R.G.! :) It's a great feeling to win with bullets you've made yourself. And when a few pals that I made bullets for did well...that was even better.

Good pal and great BR competitor Craig Nagel of Wisconsin has purchased all the bullet making equipment along with some of my stock piled J4 jackets. I wasn't going to just turn 'my babies' over to just anyone. It's good to know that things are in Craig's very capable hands.

I'll have a good number of 1.00" J4 .30 jackets also available shortly as well as both BR HV 30BR Panda and my Kodiak actioned HBR rig.

Good shootin'! :) It's been fun! -Al

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Wow Al, That's quite a bomb to drop was hoping to see you in iowa this summer. going to miss seeing you around....:(
George, I took this season off from BR and have gotten back into NHRA drag racing....competition in another form.

Always great to hear from you, George. :) -Al
Good luck with your pursuit of "competition of another form"....I am sure you will do well. We will miss your informative and thoughtful posts on this and other forums so "check in" every now and then and allow us some news about your new endeavor.
Once again,"good luck", good traction, no breakage and low ET's to ya!
Wow. Al, it's a lot of fun knowing you. Guess all I can say is, if I make it to another Hunter Nationals I won't have to worry about you beating me. Best of luck, take care.

Jeff Aberegg
Age is against poor old Al. He'll be back when he finds he can't catch the Hurst Shifter Girl or any of the other sponsor chicks. Yep, he'll be back with the likes of Randy Rob, Stan Ware, George Ulrich, Lester Bruno, and all the other beauties of benchrest. And Egad. He won't have any booooolits. See you around, Al.

There's no fool like an old fool! :D Have fun trying to relive your youth!! Good luck and hope to see you back on the shooting scene sometime in the future. Best to you. --Greg

p.s. Is drag racing cheaper than benchrest?
p.s. Is drag racing cheaper than benchrest?

I can answer that one....NO! Not even close.
I did some racing in the early to mid 90's, too. It seems to be a common ground for quite a few of us in benchrest. I guess nice toys and competing is what it boils down to. Drag racing is a far cry from stock car racing. The people into drag racing are a lot like benchresters. They are a good bunch, too. I never had the desire to race stock cars. It's a whole different game and crowd, generally speaking of course. I miss it at times. Nothing better than the smell of burning rubber and the sweet smell of racing fuel....except alcohol. That stuff makes grown men cry.

Good luck Al!--Mike
Per our recent conversation, you know we missed you this past season, and that will carry forward - Ya know where to find us! :D Be well and ENJOY! :) RG
Here's the 'gun' I'm working with:

Instead of barrels going on and off, it's this going in and out. In this class (Stock Eliminator) the rules are very restrictive on engine modifications, so you need to find power anywhere you can. A recent dyno session gave some improvements with a new style collector...which required different jetting...which hinted at a possible cam change to increase the exhaust duration....which may well lead back to changing the collectors again. And repeat......;) Just like tuning a BR gun!

On the dyno looking for another few horsepower. Like chasing another 'X' or trying to shave .010 off your agg.:

Here's the 'gun' I'm working with:

Instead of barrels going on and off, it's this going in and out. In this class (Stock Eliminator) the rules are very restrictive on engine modifications, so you need to find power anywhere you can. A recent dyno session gave some improvements with a new style collector...which required different jetting...which hinted at a possible cam change to increase the exhaust duration....which may well lead back to changing the collectors again. And repeat......;) Just like tuning a BR gun!

On the dyno looking for another few horsepower. Like chasing another 'X' or trying to shave .010 off your agg.:

G/SA...put her in "D" for "DRAG"
Stockers can get pricey but it's what you describe that makes up a lot of it. I think you're the kind of person that will find what's there to be had.