Muzzel brake for 1K BR or not?


Machinest / Gunsmith
G'day gentlemen

I am rebarrleing my 1k BR rifle from a 6.5x47 Lap to a 284 Shehane and was thinking about adding a muzzel brake. Out here in OZ brakes a pretty rare (at least in our club) and i'm wondering are they very common in US 1K BR?
I am worried about the brake effecting the pure accuracy of the rifle. Are there some recomended designs specificly for maintaining ultimate accuracy? Noise is my other big worrie. I don't want to annoy my fellow club mates too much with heavy muzzel blast..

Opinions please....

What is going to annoy your "club mates" is you kicking thier butts because you have a brake and they don't. With a brake you will be more apt to do this....period!! Then they will be kicking their own butts for not having brakes on thier own guns!!! Not saying you can't be compeditive w/o a brake, just not as least on a 284.

My .02
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Leeroy............Go with the brake! It will do nothing to destroy accuracy period. Probably 98% of all shooters in light gun (here in the states) use a brake. It causes less disruption of you gun in the bags, allows you to get back on the target quicker, causes less felt recoil and all in all will improve your scores. The object of this game is to win...............Yes, and have fun also. When you can win and still have fun its much nicer than not winning and having fun! :)
Rich De