Misfires during fireforming


Jerry Adams
Made up 15 new cases to fireform today. Using the bullseye w/wax method. The first round failed to fire. Tried a couple of times more and no go. The second one fired as did the rest up to number 9, 10 and 11 which misfired. Numbers 12 through 15 fired OK. I had visually check all 15 for powder before sealing. I removed the wax from #1 and confirmed it was full of powder. There was a visible hit on the primers that should have been sufficient. So the possible causes are bad primers. Which I hope is not the case because I took these out of my range reloading box. Another thought is that this is the first time that I have taken the firing pin out of this Bat bolt. Don'r know if I could have done something wrong putting the firing pin back in. All the rounds felt the same when chambering. Headspace was OK on the misfires. What else should I be looking at? :confused:
create a false shoulder at the neck/shoulder junction to remove any excessive head clearance.
Adam, I have never had a misfire while fire forming.
IF its not the primers the only other thing I can think of would be what Dennis said about excessive head space.
Try the same case with the rifle pointed up.
You could do this without the powder or wax just to see if the primer will fire.
Also another not so good possiblity is to take the primer out of the case that wont fire and try to CAREFULLY put it back into a case that fired. Also try another primer in the case that didnt fire and see if that solves the problem.
For what its worth.
I had my firing pin out the last week or so resetting dies and seating depth.
My removal tool is one of the kind that screws in and out pulling the spring back.
I put the pin back in and realized I had not fully compressed the spring. After I did I was able to twist the assembly 2 more full revolutions to get it all the way in.
Almost made a big mistake.

My apologies to all. It appears that I somehow started this thread in two forums, this one and in centerfire benchrest. I've been posting in the one in centerfire benchrest.
Thought I was going senile for a minute there. It came up and I looked for the previous post I made and it wasnt there. Figured either I hit the wrong button or well you know how it goes.
Thought I was going senile for a minute there. It came up and I looked for the previous post I made and it wasnt there. Figured either I hit the wrong button or well you know how it goes.

After I had completed the text and was about to submit I noticed that I was in the gunsmith forum so I just copied the text and went to the centerfire forum and started the thread there. I didn't think that the original would post as I just bailed out of that forum without submitting. Maybe that autosave feature has some unexpected consequences.
Nope, you didn't bail out. You hit the submit button. Autosave only saves to your local system.