MIfflin Groundhog Shoot results 5-9-09


New member
Attach you will find the results of today's match. I hope that everyone got home safe and everyone enjoyed themselves today. See you all at the next match I hope.
Also attached is the corrected results from the 4-18-09 match, Bill Slattery-limited score 138 3x was 139 3x, Scott Miller-unlimited 134 4x was 133 4x and Bill Slattery-unlimited 134 3x was 133 3x. I hope that I got this right this time.

Mifflin Groundhog Shoot Results 5-9-09

Name Class Relay Bench Caliber 200x 300x 500x Total X's

Scott Miller Factory 1 2 6BR 48 0 46 0 36 0 130 0
Dennis Keefer Factory 3 7 223 35 0 35 0 14 0 84 0

Jamie Eazor Limited 1 12 6BR 48 2 48 1 47 1 2.973 143 4
Rod Morton Limited 2 1 6BR 49 3 49 4 44 2 3.810 142 9
Jane Litavish Limited 2 8 6BR 46 1 50 4 46 1 2.911 142 6
Bill Slattery Limited 2 15 6BR 47 1 48 2 45 2 140 5
Ken Winpisinger Limited 3 1 300 Morton 49 4 43 2 47 1 2.202 139 7
Mike Redin Limited 1 4 6BR 49 1 49 1 39 0 137 2
Gary Grant Limited 2 7 6PPC 46 0 48 2 41 0 3.922 135 2
Tom Litavish Limited 3 8 6BR 49 2 43 0 42 0 4.029 134 2
Doug Leiby Limited 1 8 260 47 1 45 2 40 1 132 4
Ryan Mowen Limited 2 6 6BR 45 0 46 2 41 1 4.204 132 3
Allen Woodring Limited 2 11 6.5x284 47 1 44 1 41 0 3.572 132 2
Joe Reffner Limited 3 6 6BR 47 1 45 1 39 0 4.362 131 2
Allen Stombaugh Limited 2 5 6BR 49 3 43 1 38 1 130 5
Dan Bowersox Limited 1 9 6BR 46 1 46 1 37 0 129 2
John Stahl III Limited 1 16 6 Dasher 48 1 48 3 32 0 128 4
Cory Fink Limited 3 3 6.5x47 49 2 45 1 34 0 128 3
Rod Morton Limited 1 1 6BR 48 1 48 3 30 0 126 4
Steve Weinhrauch Limited 1 14 6BR 47 0 48 2 29 0 124 2
Bill Hershey Limited 2 2 223 Imp 43 1 43 2 32 0 118 3
Jesse Grove Limited 2 4 243 46 1 43 1 27 0 116 2
Jeff Gates Limited 1 5 6BR 44 1 46 1 25 0 115 2
Steve Strouse Limited 2 12 6.5x284 41 0 45 0 26 0 112 0
Jason Woodring Limited 3 10 6.5x284 6 0 41 1 25 0 72 1

Joe Pellegrene Unlimited 1 7 6BR 48 0 49 1 43 1 2.735 140 2
Bill Slattery Unlimited 1 15 22BR 48 3 45 1 45 1 3.079 138 5
Will White Unlimited 1 3 6BR 46 0 48 1 44 1 3.776 138 2
Josh Woodring Unlimited 1 11 6BR 47 1 46 1 44 1 4.025 137 3
Steve Weinhrauch Unlimited 2 14 6x47 48 1 47 2 41 1 4.212 136 4
Scott Miller Unlimited 3 2 6BR 35 2 47 1 47 0 2.803 129 3
Allen Stombaugh Unlimited 3 5 243 AI 47 1 46 0 35 1 128 2
Joe Reffner Unlimited 1 6 6.5x47 49 1 48 1 29 1 126 3
Jesse Grove Unlimited 3 4 300 Imp. 42 0 44 0 35 0 121 0
Brian Slack Unlimited 2 3 300WSM 44 1 40 0 32 0 116 1


  • 2 Mifflin Groundhog Shoot 4-18-09.pdf
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  • 3 Mifflin Groundhog Shoot 5-9-09.pdf
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