Mifflin Groundhog results 9-18-10


New member
Here are the results from Saturdays shoot and fun shoot, Gary has also sent the agg results from the year so I am attaching them as a PDF file . Thanks everyone who came to the shoots this year. We had alot of good times trying to hit those hogs!!!!We will post the schedule for next year when it is availalbe. Congrats to Jeff Gates on winning the shoot on Saturday and also hitting two paint balls at 300 hundred yards in the Fun shoot, and to Bernard Kyler and Scott Miller. Hope to see you all next year.

Mifflin Groundhog Shoot Results 9-18-10

Class Relay Bench Caliber 200 yards 300 yards 500 yards group Total

Bernard Kyler Factory 1 9 308 44.00 42.01 46.00 132.01
John Shoeman Factory 3 5 6 BR 49.02 46.01 30.01 125.04

Jeff Gates Limited 2 5 30 BR 50.05 48.00 46.01 2.748 144.06
Scott Miller Limited 2 4 6BR 48.02 47.00 44.00 1.503 139.02
Jane Litavish Limited 2 7 6 BR 50.03 50.02 37.01 137.06
Allan Stombaugh Limited 1 16 6 Dasher 50.03 43.02 44.00 3.249 137.05
Frank Litavish Limited 3 8 6 PPC 50.02 49.02 38.00 137.04
Roger Shadle Limited 1 14 308 50.03 47.00 40.01 3.882 137.04
Doug Leiby Limited 2 8 260 46.02 49.00 41.00 2.612 136.02
John Rakar Limited 1 11 6 Dasher 48.00 44.01 44.00 136.01
Matt Rakar Limited 1 12 6 Dasher 46.01 48.03 40.01 4.504 134.05
Abe Henry Limited 2 9 6x47 48.01 39.00 45.01 3.530 132.02
Tom Schwartz Limited 1 13 6 BR 50.02 44.01 34.00 3.005 128.03
Jesse Grove Limited 2 3 243 48.00 36.00 43.00 3.310 127.00
Tom Litavish Limited 1 8 6 BR 46.01 41.01 38.00 125.02

Scott Miller Unlimited 1 4 6BR 46.01 50.01 45.01 1.939 141.03
Will White Unlimited 1 2 300WSM 45.00 50.02 46.00 2.705 141.02
Sam Barbone Unlimited 2 1 6.5 Gibbs 47.01 48.01 44.00 4.196 139.02
Jeff Gates Unlimited 1 5 6 PPC 50.05 50.02 38.02 2.929 138.09
Jeremy Kramer Unlimited 2 2 6BR 50.04 48.01 40.00 2.755 138.05
Jesse Grove Unlimited 1 3 243 46.02 47.02 44.00 4.375 137.04
Joe Reffner Unlimited 2 16 6.5x47 50.02 45.00 41.00 3.575 136.02
Gary Grant Unlimited 1 7 30 BR 50.04 47.02 38.00 135.06
Mike Redin Unlimited 1 1 300WSM 48.01 44.00 42.00 4.198 134.01


  • 2010 Paintball Shoot Results.pdf
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  • 8 Mifflin 9-18-10 Groundhog Match.pdf
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