Mifflin Groundhog results 7-17-10


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Here are the results from the Saturday shoot. Hope all had a good time. It was an interesting day with the heat and the wind at 500 yrds. Next shoot is Saturday 7-31-10. Hope to see you all there.

Mifflin Groundhog Shoot Results 7-17-10

Name Class Relay Bench Caliber 200 yards 300 yards 500 yards group Total

Dennis Keefer Factory 1 12 223 39.00 44.00 0.00 83.00
Bernard Kyler Factory 1 9 308 43.00 34.00 0.00 77.00

Jeff Gates Limited 2 5 30 BR 50.04 50.03 47.01 2.910 147.08
Scott Miller Limited 2 2 6BR 48.03 50.05 46.00 3.170 144.08
John Rakar Limited 2 15 6dasher 49.01 46.01 47.00 2.714 142.02
Rod Morton Limited 1 3 30x47 48.01 49.04 42.01 3.424 139.06
Matt Rakar Limited 2 14 6 dasher 47.01 46.02 43.00 2.765 136.03
Bill Slattery Limited 1 13 22 BR 48.03 45.01 42.01 3.486 135.05
Gary Grant Limited 2 6 6 PPC 50.02 48.01 34.00 132.03
Tom Litavish Limited 2 8 6BR 49.02 47.01 36.00 132.03
Abe Henry Limited 2 11 6x47 45.00 47.01 39.00 5.057 131.01
Doug Leiby Limited 3 1 6 x 47 46.00 43.01 36.00 125.01
Joe Cowan Limited 1 5 30 BR 49.03 46.00 29.01 124.04
Gary Yeager Limited 2 9 6 BR 45.01 44.01 33.00 122.02
Jane Litavish Limited 1 8 6BR 47.00 45.00 29.00 121.00
Gilbert Cramer Limited 2 10 6 BR 49.01 45.01 0.00 94.02
Abe Henry Limited 1 11 6ppc 49.04 36.00 5.00 90.04
Craig Myers Limited 2 7 6Br 48.01 45.01 25.00 0.00

Rod Morton Unlimited 2 3 30x47 50.03 50.04 47.01 2.658 147.08
Bill Slattery Unlimited 2 13 22BR 50.04 49.03 46.00 2.610 145.07
Jeremy Cramer Unlimited 2 1 6BR 50.03 48.00 47.00 1.954 145.03
Jesse Grove Unlimited 2 4 300 WSM 49.03 48.02 47.00 2.920 144.05
Will White Unlimited 1 1 300 WSM 50.02 48.02 44.00 3.238 142.04
Joe Pellegrene Unlimited 1 6 30 BR 50.05 48.02 41.01 139.08
Mike Redin Unlimited 1 4 300 WSM 48.02 48.01 43.01 4.083 139.04
Scott Miller Unlimited 1 2 6BR 49.02 50.04 39.00 138.06
Gary Grant Unlimited 3 6 30 BR 50.03 47.01 39.01 136.05
JoshWoodring Unlimited 1 14 6mm BR 47.00 45.00 44.01 2.842 136.01
Allen Woodring Unlimited 1 16 6 BR 50.01 48.02 37.00 135.03
Ike Hartman Unlimited 3 12 6BR 49.01 44.01 37.01 130.03
Joe Reffner Unlimited 2 12 6.5 X47 50.03 47.00 32.00 129.03
MickNoruhold Unlimited 1 7 300WSM 46.00 47.00 20.00 113.00
Abe Henry Unlimited 3 11 6mm/06AI 43.00 42.00 23.00 108.00
Jason Woodring Unlimited 1 15 6mm BR 42.00 47.02 14.00 103.02


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