Michigan Score Championship



On saturday July 18th the Harrison Sportsmans Club in Harrison Michigan will be hosting its leg of the Michigan Score Championship. It will consist of two 100 yard matches. The first match will begin at 09;00 AM, one hour earlier then our normal start time. The second match will begin right after we take a time out for lunch.
Match fees will be $15.00 per match with the additional moneys going to the Championship series. All shooters not participating in the series will pay the regular $12.00 fee.
Chef and short order cook Al says he is bringing his grill and fixins for lunch and there will be coffee and donuts and soft drinks as usual.
If you have any questions contact Al Walewski or Mike Conway

See You Saturday

Good Question !

There will be a combination of shooters that are not participating in the championship and then the championship series shooters, so the potential is to have a pretty good turnout. If Als going to cook, that should seal the deal.
I will check and see what time I can pick up the donuts, but my plan is to open the gates at 07:00. Al and I are meeting at the range at 10;00 thursday morning for range prep.
The weather forecast is for sunny skies and 76 degrees. Sounds great.

Harrison, Michigan
Just To Clarify

I have had a couple calls and need to clarify that these are two seperate matches fired on the same day. If you are not shooting in the Score Series you can still shoot in one or both of these matches. Awards will be given for both matches seperately.
Upon registration when you draw for a bench in match one, you will rotate five benches for the afternoon match.
Hope I cleared that up without adding any confusion...

Thanks Jeff

You'll be missed on saturday Jeff. Al and I met at the club today and hung the mirage boards and backers after fending off a hoard of angry bees.
The range has been mowed and looks good so I guess we are all set..


I have your new gun from Brian. I was going to bring it to you tomorrow. I will just hold on to it till you tell me when you can get it.
