melonited drop port Neuvo?


oft dis'd member
I'm still looking for a .473 bf drop port Neuvo, or something equally fast/slick that doesn't ding necks.

new or used, don't care
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I'm still looking for a drop port Neuvo, or something equally fast/slick that doesn't ding necks.

new or used, don't care

Al, the drop ports that Bullet Central has in stock are all, (I think), PPC bolt face.

From what I understand, the ejector models are generic bolt face while the drop port most be either PPC or BR.
Welll'p, looks like nobody is interested in selling theirs and the latest estimate is at least January before any new ones are available...... but Dwight Scott convinced me a right eject will fit my bill nicely :)

So my question is off the table. I'm gonna' try yet ANOTHER right eject. Good news is, it'll fit my railgun if nothing else!

thanx guys
Interestingly, Dwight is the first person in 10yrs who hasn't said I was barking spider crazy...... he not only understood my problem but clearly and neatly explained how the combination of horizontal lugs (vertical raceways) and an oversized bolt body eliminate my problem...... it's fun to talk with folks who don't assume you're just making stuff up ....... and the old "nobody else ever complains about this and they GOT RECORDS........."

I really thought the Kelbly manual eject was the answer to my prayers, until I stuck a hot case in the guy's ear off to my right LOL.....big difference between practice and shooting ;)
Interestingly, Dwight is the first person in 10yrs who hasn't said I was barking spider crazy...... he not only understood my problem but clearly and neatly explained how the combination of horizontal lugs (vertical raceways) and an oversized bolt body eliminate my problem...... it's fun to talk with folks who don't assume you're just making stuff up ....... and the old "nobody else ever complains about this and they GOT RECORDS........."

I really thought the Kelbly manual eject was the answer to my prayers, until I stuck a hot case in the guy's ear off to my right LOL.....big difference between practice and shooting ;)


I think I might have an idea, but what was your problem and how did the horizontal lugs and oversized bolt correct it?

Al, the difference between tuning the ejector spring so that the case is ejected just onto the bench and not three feet away a fine line.

Bat should furnish each action with 2 extra springs and 2 extra extractor retainer pins so the average person can tune his own. It took me several tries to get mine correct on my Neuvo. Just when I thought I had it right, it failed to eject about one out of every four cases.

The single reason a drop port is so logical in a Neuvo is you can use a standard sake style extractor without the danger of it becoming part of your brain in the event of a case rupture.

I am yet to see a Borden Drop Port. I wish someone that has one would post some pictures of exactly how the extractor works.
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Al, the difference between tuning the ejector spring so that the case is ejected just onto the bench and not three feet away a fine line.

Bat should furnish each action with 2 extra springs and 2 extra extractor retainer pins so the average person can tune his own. It took me several tries to get mine correct on my Neuvo. Just when I thought I had it right, it failed to eject about one out of every four cases.

The single reason a drop port is so logical in a Neuvo is you can use a standard sake style extractor without the danger of it becoming part of your brain in the event of a case rupture.

I am yet to see a Borden Drop Port. I wish someone that has one would post some pictures of exactly how the extractor works.


I ordered it with 5 extra springs :)

I think I might have an idea, but what was your problem and how did the horizontal lugs and oversized bolt correct it?


My problem is I don't accept dinged case necks.

Object is to never give an angle where the caseneck can contact anything on the way out

Depending on where the ejection port is, spring loaded ejector & sliding "AR15 style" extractor swings the case into the raceway where it stops it's swing on the casemouth ('ding!') before leaving the port

Sako style extractor can help by changing the angle of departure but creates other problems
My problem is I don't accept dinged case necks.

Object is to never give an angle where the caseneck can contact anything on the way out

Depending on where the ejection port is, spring loaded ejector & sliding "AR15 style" extractor swings the case into the raceway where it stops it's swing on the casemouth ('ding!') before leaving the port

Sako style extractor can help by changing the angle of departure but creates other problems


How did Dwight explain the vertical raceways and oversized bolt would negate the dinged case neck issue? And are you talking about the above being a drop port or RBRP?


How did Dwight explain the vertical raceways and oversized bolt would negate the dinged case neck issue? And are you talking about the above being a drop port or RBRP?


In a conventional setup the bolt raceway is offset from the side of the neck by what, a half inch? And the case swings horizontally, inline with this raceway cut so when you yank the case it swings for that half inch, picking up velocity then slams the tip of the neck into the side of the raceway with considerable force.

Eliminating the raceway allows the case to come out further while riding the SHOULDER, down onto the neck then swing into empty space, out the port.... no big swing and donk on the fragile caseneck.

kinda' hard to describe without lots of words or pixtures.
HOLEE KOWWW, this is a righteous BEAUT!

WHAT an action..... and it takes slickery to a whole nuther level.

I stretched a barrel tenon......

The first barrrel I throwed on is a fireform barrel that's been re-cut so many times it has less than half it's threads left, like 8 threads on the butt end. Still 'WAYYY enough to hold everything down but every time I reset the shoulder I have to fiddle-fart around making it slip-fit at the front and yada yade BUT.... that wasn't the interesting part.

This action is S L I P P E R Y !!! I had to crank the action wrench down so far I _think_ I could feel the thread fit tighten.......with a fitted 1.350 wrench.... and when I wrapped 'er up to around a hunnerd foot pounds it STRETCHED THE BLOODY TENON 5 THOU! Like my bolt wouldn't close! I had to take the barrel off and slice another .005 out of the bolt cone area!

But it ejects cases clear up to 6X47L like a champ (At least in playing with it) and no/zero/nada dings on the cases

Edited to add.... I probably exaggerated. I probably only got 2 and 1/5 or so thousandths of stretch....

I was in a hurry. I was running the numbers and shooting for about 3 thou clearance which means I left around 5 thou in the numbers. I didn't try-fit for clearance beyond hand tight in the lathe (the action is loose, not glued in) and when I loosened the barrel in the vise I could snug 'er back up with 15-20 pounds of force and she'd still close. I wrapped up for the night without actually chucking back up and fixing and upon review even though I plan to slice out 4-5 thou, I'm not going to "measure"...... suffice it to say that IT DID STRETCH, well beyond my normal expectations on an inch-.05 tenon.
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BTW, I index my barrels so I have an intimate relationship with hand-tight VS torqued and this guy advances "almost a quarter inch" upon tightening...... did I mention, this meloniting is SLIPPERY! :)
Neuvo drop port with 6ppc/30BR bolt face question

Al, the drop ports that Bullet Central has in stock are all, (I think), PPC bolt face.

From what I understand, the ejector models are generic bolt face while the drop port most be either PPC or BR.

I noticed on the BC website that on the Neuvo listings there are 6ppc/BR bolt faces available. Will these Neuvo dropports
with 6ppc/30br BF cycle a 30BR case? Maybe someone will clarify. Just askin.....:confused:
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I noticed on the BC website that on the Neuvo listings there are 6ppc/BR bolt faces available. Will these Neuvo dropports
with 6ppc/30br BF cycle a 30BR case? Maybe someone will clarify. Just askin.....:confused:

AFAIK there are no drop ports available for a long time and the ones listed as PPC/BR bolface are side eject.

I bought one

couldn't be happier

I've only "tried it out" not actually run it at speed...... but it's inch oh five tenon and 18tpi so I've screwed a bunch of barrels into it (they're tight, it's smaller diameter than most) and cycled cases all the way up to 6.5 CM which bounced around a bit but they came out clean until you hit 'er hard. 1 out of 10 I got to bounce back into the action. I don't own a 30BR but IMO they'd fly out like bats from a limestone cave.

I also ran a bunch of 6X47L's (I already chambered a bbl for it, haven't even built the gun LOL) and couldn't get one to stick