McKeesport Sportsmen's Association IR50/50 Unlimited Match Results 07/17/2024


The match started out normally. It was sunny, hot and humid with a fair amount of wind. As the shooters hung their 2nd targets the sky darkened as the clouds began to roll in. A couple of shots into the second card a light rain started. A few shots later the sprinkles turned into a torrential downpour (more like a monsoon) that lasted for a good 30-45 minutes. Visibility was horrible. Competitors struggled to see their targets as well as their scope crosshairs. It was not fun scoring those targets! The downpour eased up and the 3rd targets were hung and shot in a light rain.

Attached are the match results and thanks to everyone who helped tear everything down.



  • MATCH RESULTS 07-17-2024.pdf
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