Match Results Posts - Idea for Discussion


Ray Brooks
I am of the opinion that we need to post the results of the ENTIRE entry list. I would really prefer that you show every target [ see link below ]. I think that if a potentially interested shooter sees some of the poorer scores he will see that he can do at least as well and not be totally outclassed.

I did RBGC's match results from December, see the link below. For our next match I am going to see if we can format the results with first place at the top so it will be a bit less chaotic to firgure out.

Whaddya think ?
I agree...The match results are just that "every shooter", "every score/agg"
It is interesting reading...There seems to be no place to go and get this info...the NBRSA mails out the full results of a match to each of the shooters not just the top ten or top twenty...
Just to ask....would it drive off some new shooters that happen to finish toward the bottom.....

The only way to avoid finishing last is to not compete. Compete long enough and you WILL finish last somewhere along the way. During the past season I finished first and I finished last. It's all good.
Full Match Results

When I write a post covering match results from Harrison the post will include the top three finishers of each class and either individual match winners or the comeptitors who shot a 250 in score matches. I always include an attachment that covers the complete match results in a PDF format.
Just to ask....would it drive off some new shooters that happen to finish toward the bottom.....


All I am hoping to accomplish is to get new shooters to come out and try it one time. I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing we can do to get them to come out a second time if BR is not for them. If BR IS for them then the second match and beyond will take care of itself.

It just seems like getting them to their first match is the biggest hurdle we face. By posting the full score sheet they will see that there are good scores and bad scores at every match. They will not stand out by shooting 'bad'.

If we are worried about shooters being embarresed...just post all the results below the top ten by competitor number only...then the result are available for those interested, and the "also rans" remain anonomous...
I was just bringing up a point. I don't think poor scores will bring people just because, if they already know someone (most people won't go by themselves the first time), that person should let them know that there is good and bad scores. My first shoot was the supershoot. The year prior, I just showed up to meet some people and learn (no one I knew of ever shot BR). Ed Watson asked me when I wondered by his tent "are you shooting?" I said "no", He asked "why", I said I was new, was having a gun built and was just wanting to learn. Of course Ed said "no learnin like shootin". He asked me if I wanted to borrow one of his guns but I was leaving that evening. A couple of things he said to me when I mentioned it looked overwhelming and I wasn't any good. Ed said "Just make sure you shoot at "YOUR" target and don't get a penalty and you won't finish last". he was right. I have always checked to make sure my competitor number was on the target I was shooting at every since.....except for once during a warm up....sorry Mr. least it was on the sighter. There those who have and those who will. And he said...nobody here is going care how you shoot...but they will help right he was. Sure miss Ed.

All I am hoping to accomplish is to get new shooters to come out and try it one time. I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing we can do to get them to come out a second time if BR is not for them. If BR IS for them then the second match and beyond will take care of itself.

It just seems like getting them to their first match is the biggest hurdle we face. By posting the full score sheet they will see that there are good scores and bad scores at every match. They will not stand out by shooting 'bad'.


Ray, I agree, I compete at a local club (non sanctioned) and NBRSA registered matches that are available, most competitors at our club level will not compete at a registered match because they feel they are not competitive enough or thier equipment lacks in one form or another (mostly afraid of failure), the reality is they would be as competitive as anyone if they just tried, in general the way theNBRSA matches are held there are single target winners,agg winners, in light and heavy, and then 2-gun winners and the winings is usually spread a little, and everyone can have a chance. But getting them there is the first step. Ron Tilley
I think it is a great idea. I have never competed in a benchrest match before. My son and I did one prairie dog shoot last year and had a blast. We both like to shoot (he is 16) and it gives us that special time together. Neither of us finished first nor last at 100m, 200m, and 300m but we had one of the best times ever shooting. I just sent off our memberships to the IBS and after that I pretty much don't know where to start. I noticed a match comming up in Fairfax, Virginia the 15th of February and we both plan to come and watch and learn. Thank you all for your open and positive views, I guess now we just have to figure out how to take the first step.
I think it is a great idea. I have never competed in a benchrest match before. My son and I did one prairie dog shoot last year and had a blast. We both like to shoot (he is 16) and it gives us that special time together. Neither of us finished first nor last at 100m, 200m, and 300m but we had one of the best times ever shooting. I just sent off our memberships to the IBS and after that I pretty much don't know where to start. I noticed a match comming up in Fairfax, Virginia the 15th of February and we both plan to come and watch and learn. Thank you all for your open and positive views, I guess now we just have to figure out how to take the first step.

Have heard there are a lot of ranges in VA. Start a new thread. Find out where. Make some freinds.
At your first match take a note book. You will learn a lot.
In Benchrest there is Group and there is Score.
sent pm.
I have never competed in a benchrest match before.
February is the perfect time to start.

My son and I did one prairie dog shoot last year and had a blast.
P-Dogs are a blast. My son a I love it also. The Mrs doesn't quite see the excitement.

I noticed a match comming up in Fairfax, Virginia the 15th of February and we both plan to come and watch and learn.
The match is in the southern part of Manassas. Where are you located?

Come on out, bring whatever you have, do some shooting.

Send me an E-mail when you get a minute.

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Come on out!

I'll second Adrian's comments...Come on out on the 15th and have some fun. I'll see if I can drag one or both of my boys along (never know about them though!)...You'll definitely meet some quality folks...

The problem posting the full match results is size
the website has restrictions on the size of attachments.
This limits the amount of info,have a shooter scan and email you the results that are mailed to them, this is the simplest way to obtain the full results