Match Results - Harrison Sportsmans Club


Al Walewski
The following is the results from a 100 yard group match held at the Harrison Sportsmans Club on Saturday May 11th. We had a fairly good turnout with twenty one competitors, seven factory shooters and fourteen shooters in a combined LV/HV class. After firing was complete and the rifles put away the winners are,

In LV/HV Class;
1st.) Kip Jones .......... .1634" Agg
2nd.) Joe Hynes ......... .1758" Agg
3rd.) Tim Groleau ...... .1948" Agg

Small group went to Joe Hynes with a .078"

In Factory Class;
1st.) Dudley Pierce ....... .4484" Agg
2nd.) Elton Rountree .... .4732" Agg
3rd.) Bob Zimmer ........ .4804" Agg

Congrats to the winners in their respective class! It was a tight match in benchrest rifle class, some very good groups were being shot.

Thanks to Glorya for acting as range officer and calling the matches today. We were breaking in some new help and it was a benefit being freed up to work with the new comers. A big thanks to all of those who showed up, especially with the iffy weather forecast. A good time was had by all.

Our next match will be held on June 1st, it will be a 100 yard score match. Come on out and punch some paper with us!

Full match results are contained in the attachment.


  • May 11 Group Match Results.pdf
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Good first match...

For a while I didn't think that winter was ever going to end. Yesterday the weather was better than predicted and we had a good turn-out... three relays of shooters. Most competitors showed up early, registered and set up benches, flags, etc, and, then , attacked the coffee and donuts and caught up on the latest with the other shooters, most of whom they hadn't seen since last fall. We've shot these matches since 1991 amd many of the shooters have, long since, become old friends.

Our regular range officer, Bufallo Bill Stiverson, was under the weather and Her Loveliness, Mrs. Wright, agreed to be range officer for the day. Whilst I arrived early, before eight, with the paperwork, Glorya doesn't like to get up much. As a result, twenty minutes before we were scheduled to start, just when I was starting to get worried, here comes Glorya in her VW TDi, gravel flying... After a lot of hugs from old friends, she settled down and we got started on time.

A lot of shooters were a tad rusty after the long winter. Not Kip and Lil' Joe. They both shot teen aggs and the match wasn't settled till the last group was measured. Trust me Joe, I know what it's like to shoot a .17xx agg and take second place. That &^%$%$ Brian did it to me a few years ago. Excellent shooting both of you.

We'll be back at it on June 1st with a score match. Good luck to those going to the Super Shoot.

Dick Wright
Good shooting guy's, doesn't look like any of the mud and water from Dublin got tangled up in Kip's equipment!!Also, looks like a few guy's are all dialed in for the SS.

Dan Honert