March scope 2.5x25x42 are they any good?


New member
Hi guys thinking of getting a top of the line scope, and this one looks like it would fit in with what I have(7mm Dakota Custom rifle). Does anyone have any experience with March scopes? i know they are used for benchrest but their new model is for hunting. Also how does their glass compare to a Zeiss , Swarovski, or Smidt&bender? I m looking for a scope with tactical turrets,with a lots of moa, but I would like it if its not a tank, as its not going on a very heavy gun.
Glass is typical March quality. Reticle is a little fine in my opinion for hunting in thick cover. Side focus on this model is also a little course as it takes very little movement. That could be a good thing on a hunting rifle though, but I am not a hunter. Same applies to the 1-10X. At typical hunter magnifications, 3-9x, the side focus should not be a problem.
check out the Nightforce NXS offerings in 3.5-10 or 5.5-25 with 50mm objective. Choice of reticles, Lifetime warranty, serviced IN THE USA as opposed to limited warranty and serviced OUTSIDE the US. Compare this and price to March, S&B, etc. Another super scope warranted for life and serviced in the US would be the Premier Heritage. Superior glass to any of the above.

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so you delete the thread but ask the same question...
this is ask about scopes by brand, but if you want to know if a hunting scope is any good why ask in a br forum...a long range forum at that. there are general forums for general info or hybrid...
just cannot take a hint
mike in co
The March scope is great and they do have a hunting reticle available. The other high dollar brands do not offer that wide of power range. A friend of mine has one on his new custom mauser and loves it.
what a spread!!

I dont have any March scopes ...butt ...I have shot/looked thru several...and they are terrific....2.5 is perfect for close range hunting and lots-0-floks use 25x at long range ...sooo It shur sounds like the best of both worlds...I am shure you wuld be pleased with it....Roger add my two cents about the reticle....some like a dot..they say they can see it better...I agree...buttt...I dont like the dot getting in the way when I hold a ring or two or six (grin) for is easier for me to fade on the target counting the rings from my original hold with no dot!!...I usually move a lot on the target especially during the sight in period and even at point blank events most shooters are all over the mothball...not just putting the dot in the center of the target and wishing the wind wont move the bullet. and ...since you are not using this as a sniper the mil dots etc are of little use and sometimes add to the other have said ...look thru several and see what you like for your particular use....
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so you delete the thread but ask the same question...
this is ask about scopes by brand, but if you want to know if a hunting scope is any good why ask in a br forum...a long range forum at that. there are general forums for general info or hybrid...
just cannot take a hint
mike in co

Grow up bud, I shoot long range and I hunt! So if you have a problem take it up with the moderator and get a job!!
And to everyone else who answered my question thank you!!!
no one has answered your question. you asked about a specific one that has replied has that scope.

so like i said...ask about a brand or ask on the correct forum.
you deleted your first post..because i reccommended you to ask a generic question about a brand..or go ask hunting questions on another forum,,,cause this is not long range hunting...its long range br.

buy i guess you cannot read english.

i have a job..its pestering people than cannot read FORUM TITLES and ask appropriate questions.....and waste bandwidth.

see i can read english...

mike in co

I have a 10-60x52 xhair with a 1/16" dot. Its a fine scope but I don't know if its any better then any of my NXS's or BR's by nightforce. If I were to buy another March I would go with the 1/8" dot.
Good luck
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I have both Nightforces and Marches

I am not sure that the March glass is better than the Nightforce.

I bought the March scopes for my Benchrest rifles to eliminate concerns with minor POI shift issues - not because I thought the glass was great. I think most who own them would agree.

I use NF's on my hunting rifles. Both have very good glass. The NF's are less expensive than the March. Honestly, I would not balk at a high end Leupold for a hunting rifle. To each his own.

The deer won't be able to tell the difference.

no one has answered your question. you asked about a specific one that has replied has that scope.

so like i said...ask about a brand or ask on the correct forum.
you deleted your first post..because i reccommended you to ask a generic question about a brand..or go ask hunting questions on another forum,,,cause this is not long range hunting...its long range br.

buy i guess you cannot read english.

i have a job..its pestering people than cannot read FORUM TITLES and ask appropriate questions.....and waste bandwidth.

see i can read english...

mike in co
Go away bud and stop wasting other peoples time, cause no one else seems to mind except you!!! Which means one thing only< you have no life!!!
Take care and happy holidays
I answered him about his specific scope. My bud has one and he likes it. I did not spell out that Terry has a 2.5X25 March, but he does. I will look up photos of it on another forum if you would like and post a link.
Does not matter if no one that responded has one. I have got seat time with 2 of the 2.5-25's, and 1 of the 1-10's. Have used Zeiss Diavari, S&B, Hensoldt, March, Leupold, Weaver, Nightforce, IOR, Swarovski, Kahles and several others.

I think most here have had a few different scopes as well.

For outright viewing pleasure in the 3-9 range, the Diavari was probably the best in terms of outright clarity, contrast and brightness.

We all have different eyes, and that makes a big difference when comparing optics.

If I was you, I'd spend some time trying to get some viewing time behind some of them before making a decision.

If you ever have the chance to look through a Premier Heritage you'll see what glass is all about. UNBELEIVABLE is the only word to discribe their glass. They are only available in Mil/Mil right now but very soon will have a MOA/MOA available. That's what I'm waiting for to replace my 5.5X25 NXS with.
Scott at Liberty Optics has about the best prices anywhere.

Hi guys thinking of getting a top of the line scope, and this one looks like it would fit in with what I have(7mm Dakota Custom rifle). Does anyone have any experience with March scopes? i know they are used for benchrest but their new model is for hunting. Also how does their glass compare to a Zeiss , Swarovski, or Smidt&bender? I m looking for a scope with tactical turrets,with a lots of moa, but I would like it if its not a tank, as its not going on a very heavy gun.

Gomer, you would do yourself a disservice to take the eyeball opinions of others instead of looking through comparable scopes with your own peepers. Chances are that the glass of all the scopes you mention would impress you, but what about adjustment range, reticle preference, and warranty?

The March warranty is 5 years to the original owner. You can't really go wrong with optics from any of the vendors you list.

The 7 Dakota can reach way out there. If your plan is to shoot to the performance limits of such a chambering, then I'd want to see through all of the candidates before choosing, or at the very least see a legitimate comparison of them. Neither of those options will be real easy to arrange. The Zeiss/Hensoldt gets a very favorable review from the proprietor of

I answered him about his specific scope. My bud has one and he likes it. I did not spell out that Terry has a 2.5X25 March, but he does. I will look up photos of it on another forum if you would like and post a link.
actually if you look at what you wrote my statement is correct. there is no reference to his scope in your post. comming back afterwards does not change the facts that are in the posts.

this all stupid....

we have forums. we create new ones because no one will follow forum guide lines and then we get more abuse...and all is fine

you guys make me laugh

How about price? Does anyond know how much $$ the March 2.5 - 25 is? The only time I ever looked through a March was at the IBS 1K nats in Ohio. They were great!! I have seen a few Swaros, and all I noticed was the cross hair on the first focal plane growing to the size of railroad ties !! :eek:....I didn't even bother to evaluate the glass!!!

The thought of a 2.5 - 25X on my hunting rifle gets me sexually excited!!!:D:eek:
How about price? Does anyond know how much $$ the March 2.5 - 25 is? The only time I ever looked through a March was at the IBS 1K nats in Ohio. They were great!! I have seen a few Swaros, and all I noticed was the cross hair on the first focal plane growing to the size of railroad ties !! :eek:....I didn't even bother to evaluate the glass!!!

The thought of a 2.5 - 25X on my hunting rifle gets me sexually excited!!!:D:eek:
For the plain model 2.5x25x42 $1820.