Manufactoring license???????????

DJB in Wi

New member
Would someone please let me know if there is a person out there with a manufacture license that will except a new Action, so they can then send it to my FFL person. I want to build a (custom RF) rifle and now all I am hearing is that I have to find a person with a manufacture license in order to be able to build on a new action. Then after I get it built, I have to pay an 11% excise tax. Things are getting really crazy. I called the NRA and after being transfered 6 times, a gal said that it was fought in court and we lost. I hope I have heard it all wrong. DJB in Wi
i never knew you had to had a license to make something?

Could you be a little clearer in what you are trying to accomplish? Did you design and build and action that you want a smith to combine with a stock and barrel and trigger?

Are you buying a custom action ( e.g. Tubo, Hall) that you want your smith to build your custom on?

manufacture license

I had an action orderd and was just told that the BATF stopped by to inform the action builder that an new action has to go to a smith with a manufacture license or the smith will be braking the law. I can not have the new action sent to my FFl untill it is placed in the hands of someone with a manufacture license. This was discussed in 2008 on this site. Go to search and type in Manufacture license and then go to "Question about FFL" and you will see the conversation about the latest manufacturing license required. I do not want to mention any names, but after my smith talked to the action builder, I was told by the smith that because he does not have a manufacture license, he will not build any more rifles, that start out with a (new) custom action. DJB in Wi
manufacturing license

If your building your own action you won't need a license.
You do have to identify it though.
Usually a number that is only yours will be ok.
Your name is also ok.
You need the license to make them available to the public for sale.
Birth day and name . ss number etc.
Any ffl can ship it then to your destination.
I hope this helps
manufacturing license

It sounds like your smith is sceptical about the quality of the action
Actions now have to be logged when they are rebarreled.
I know it stinks.
I don't believe that building an experimental action is illegal in any way.
Jerry...The action builder is very well known and has alot of them in the winning circle. As for the smith, he is also well known and told me that he refusses to kneel to the new Obama goverment, and have to put up with all the paper work, then charge the customer the 11% excise tax the feds now expect from every new rifle that is built on a new action. A person can still have one of his old actions rebarreld as long as it is not a new custom action that they just orderd. A new action that is going to be barreld requires the smith to have a manufacture license. Even if you want to make bullets to sell now days, they want you to have a manufacture license. The 2008 threads about the license do a pretty good job of explaining it. DJB in Wi
Jerry...The action builder is very well known and has alot of them in the winning circle. As for the smith, he is also well known and told me that he refusses to kneel to the new Obama goverment, and have to put up with all the paper work, then charge the customer the 11% excise tax the feds now expect from every new rifle that is built on a new action. A person can still have one of his old actions rebarreld as long as it is not a new custom action that they just orderd. A new action that is going to be barreld requires the smith to have a manufacture license. Even if you want to make bullets to sell now days, they want you to have a manufacture license. The 2008 threads about the license do a pretty good job of explaining it. DJB in Wi

Your smith needs an FFL to accept your action and build upon it. It's not being manufactured it's being altered/customized. Do you really think everybody ran out and got a manufaturing approval in the last 10 months?
You don't know the story nor the current BATF interpretation. Unfortunately, DJB is correct, . Apparently only one of the custom action makers has 'gotten the word'. I don't know the whole story, so maybe the problem is limited to the maker DJB ordered from.

The exise tax on a finished rifle is a lot more than on just an action. Just guess which interpretation the Govt. is going to choose.
Action @ $1100 times 11% vs Action plus trigger plus custom barrel plus finished stock. roughly $2800 times 11% Add on the paper work that will be required of the smith to collect and report the tax and his fees will go up again.
It is going to be a long 4 years
Is there a database of "licensed manufacturers" available through BATFE? Maybe they can provide a list of approved "manufacturers" in your area that can help with your project.

Actually this whole thing started before Obamanation. And it really is not the BATF at fault for this mess. This goes back to congress looking for more cash without increasing income taxes so what they did is expand the excise taxes to cover everything.Just down load the manual for Federal form 720. In the sporting goods world it is just nuts. Did your favorite stool have a break down that required a repair shop to fix? Guess what, if I fix it for you it is now re-manufactured and I have to pay a 11% excise tax on the cost of the repair. This bullxxxx extends all the way down to something as simple as replacing a nut and bolt on a sporting good item. Now you are supposed to pay 11% excise tax on the cost of the nut and bolt that you bought at the hardware store because it has now become part of a sporting goods item. The IRS is the enforcement unit in this picture primarily and the BATF is a means to an end for them. This nightmare has not completely unfolded as of yet, it is one of the reasons that ammo costs have increased due to the multiple layers of taxes on the raw materials. Wait until the cap and trade bxxxxt mixes in with this. The Federal Govt. is out of control and no longer based in any type of real-time reality. Sorry rant off
Here is one more example a six inch boneing knife as a kitchen utensil no excise tax, but sell the same knife as a sportsman's skining or butchering knife and now it carries a 11% excise tax. In this example it is a case of semantics.
Any 01 FFL can accept an action and then transfer it.

If you are buying actions and building rifles on a regular basis you need an 07 type license.
Manufacturing license

I did not want to mention any names becouse I figured that these people would get flooded with calls. The bottom line is our government wants to be able to get a tax from the NEW rifles being built. When you sign up for the $200.00 manufacture license, you then have to charge the customer the 11% excise tax. Don is also right about what they will tax you on. Every part that is used to build the new rifle. Not just the action.
There are very few people with a manufacture license that build rifles because this is being jambed down our throats, and this is just another way of keeping track off what we are doing. When the smith wants to build on a (new) action he has to be ready to fill out alot of new paper work so the gov. can get their taxes out of the deal. A very bitter pill to have to swallow. I have been trying to get in touch with the action builder and now all I get is their answering service. Most people do not know much about this new law mainly because the feds were not going out and informing the action builders. One for sure, has now been informed by the BATF at the owners place of buisness. From the conversation I had pertaining to my new action, I can not get the action unless (I) can find someone with a manufacture license, who has to recieve it, before anyone else can work on it. Then I have to be ready to pay an 11% excise tax before I can get my new barreld action. Our government is now at work taking away more of our rights. If they can't get our guns they are going to make it more difficult to get ammo, or now new actions, etc. DJB in Wi
rebuild the White House

Glass white house
Lets make the white house all from glass
No corners left inside
No rooms to be private
No place for things to hide

A clear and open white house
Where lies and deceit cant reign
A place Where only just and honest men
Will have to ply their trade

In the oval office, we’ll have a glass top desk
Where men in which we placed our trust
Can’t do like all the rest
Where only just and honest men, will have to do their best

Two have a big glass white house
Can only work two ways
So they can see out , as we see in
Then each of us can say

We are your tired your poor and hungry
Who wandered to these shores
To search for peace and freedom
So don’t hide behind closed doors

Inside you have your parties
As hungry children cry in pain
And somewhere in some foreign land
Our young ones die in vain

Let’s make the white house, all from glass
So you can see out , as we see in
And maybe our great country
Will have a chance again
Author Earl Schrum 12/08/03
Link to ATF ruling?

There used to be a .pdf file on ATF's website which outlined the new regulations as of 8/15/08. I can't find the link now, but it spelled out pretty exactly what kind of work constituted "manufacturing".

The ATF's definition of manufacturing didn't match what you might commonly think of as traditional industrial manufacturing.

Assembling actions, barrells, triggers, and stocks into completed rifles was definitely categorized as manufacturing by the ATF. So were much more mundane tasks including "sporterizing" military rifles, and even removal of military sights and drilling and tapping a receiver for a scope mount.

I wish I could find that document now. If the ATF gets serious about enforcement, most tradional gunsmiths will require a manufacturer's license.

George, is right I just got a new Turbo action in june or july and had it sent to my ffl he filled out the paper work caled it in and I was on merry way.
Be Careful.

Be Careful guys.

Be careful about the recommendations being passed around here. Running afoul of the ATF or the IRS is not a good thing.

In fact, I think some of the members here are admitted "Feds".

Know the laws and follow them carefully.