Maine State 100-200-300 Yard Championship Memorial Day Weekend


Active member
To those of you who may be thinking about attending our 3 day 3 yardage shoot this coming weekend (100-200 yd at Orrington, 300 yard at Lincoln County Rifle Club in Damariscotta), please be aware that:

1. It has been cool (downrigh cold at times) and rainy the last 2 weeks straight. So, bring clothes in case it turns warm, BUT bring plenty of warm clothes, rain gear and warm foot gear. We have a nice, new club house, indoor plumbing, heated with enough loading space to accomodate the expected turnout in case the weather is bad. Would not be a bad idea to bring a folding table just in case we run out of available space. We will be breaking for lunch each day. We have no kitchen, but do have a micro and soda machine so you can bring some frozen dinners if you like. We will also be calling in a lunch order to Bob's Kozy Korner store in Orrington so that is another option. To anyone with a camper, we have no plumbing or electrical hookups.

2. If it turns warmish and sunny be prepared for an onslaught of black flies and possibly some mosquitos. Bring some deep woods Off, Cutters... something with DEET (N,N diethyl metatoluamide) in it at the 25-30% range.

3. Our Orrington club lat and long are posted on the IBS website. If you need more detailed directions email me at and I will send them to you.

Should be lots of fun with plenty of keen competition. --Greg
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I will be thinking about you guys this weekend. Loved the Fire Cracker shoots that Bill and I attended. Going to have to insert into my plans for 2012!

Yes you need to reinsert into your schedule and do another picture safari. --Greg
Another option for lunch, I have been advised to mention, will be provided by our lovely score / target crew person Steph B.. 6" ham and cheese italian sandwich or tunafish, and a bag of chips. $ 5.00 . will be available at the Orrington match Saturday. I will be at the club Friday during the day if any early birds need a hand. And yes on the Black flies .. beats shoveling snow though.

Andy B