Maine Firecracker

I think a big CONGRATULATIONS are in order for Randy Jarvais. He won the 100, 200 and 300 Yd. Aggs. in VFS as well as the 100,200 and 300 Yd. Aggs in Hunter. Great shooting Randy.
We were all shooting for second place this weekend as it seemed like everything we tried to throw at him he had a response for...even tried to get him to take a few extra nips on Sunday night with no luck! Randy is definitely at another level and to shoot two guns as well as he did inn the conditions that we had is impressive to say the least. Incredible amount of focus and determination.

I have to say though that still think he should have laid down with his plaques for the group picture. Not that I minded holding up his wood, but it could have made a lesser man uncomfortable!
Great shooting,Randy!!
And a big thanks to the match directors and scoring/target detail for the weekend. Everything went very smoothly at both ranges and dad and I had a great time.

Dang, Randy, that is some monopoly on plaques! Good shooting!

Did you really use LT30 in the hunter 30BR? Have you tried it in the HV gun?

Thanks and yes.

Thanks Eddie and Mike. It sure was a fun weekend with some really nice people that came to shoot with us. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to get to bed Sunday as person after person found their way to our cabin. It must have been all the noise we were making! :) It was awesome though.

Keith, yes I really did use LT-30 in the VH gun. I am not one of those people that play games with the equipment list. People have been very helpful to me to help improve my shooting and some of it came from equipment list. I try to do the same with new shooters and would not put anything on the report that wasn't up and up. If I didn't want people to know, I just wouldn't list anything. I never did get the hang of not telling the truth. I did try it with the heavy gun but I didn't find anything that was as consistent, day to day, as what I had with H4198, but I haven't had all that much time to do any testing. When the LT-30 worked, the group was a very nice round hole compared with figure 8's that I sometimes get with H4198. What I found with the little that I have worked with is that I would find something that shot extremely well one day but didn't a week later. As I pre-load to shoot the 2 guns I don't have the opportunity to play with a load during a match. I am sometimes shooting two guns when we only have two relays. Why am I using it in the VH gun??? I haven't shot it outside a match since I found the load I am using. I have been winning so I haven't checked since. I will soon though. Hope that answers your question ok.

Thanks again, guys.