Lost Stool

Yeah, there's AD............

then there's ND(negligent discharge) like is made at the end of the grocery store aisle when no one's around. Like sudden death when someone comes up from the other end of the aisle an' runs into "TH' BLUE CLOUD". It smells like an AD, there's just no lasting evidence. And thankfully, other unsuspecting tourists come along and help get rid of it, "one DEADLY sniff at a time....." or, "just ONE sniff here, folks, just one, don't hog it all, keep it movin' now......." :D:D
Bill................. I feel your pain............. I'll have a drink in you honor.

Jeff Aberegg

When I was in the Army, I had a sargeant that always said

"There are only 2 honours. Get on 'er, and stay on 'er".:D

As Rock Hudson said to Liberace "may I push in your stool?">
OK, I just signed up on to this forum and this is the first thing I read! I've got to be in the right place.

Here's and idea. Make the "stool" a Second Place Prize at the next match and it should guarantee quite a competition for first place.
yep i think the repete reply was out of line with the joking.....

mike in co
Chair from now on

I'll never look at a stool again without laughing.I changed the nomenclature of my st----er,seats, to chairs,or benches.LOL